Friday, July 29, 2011

The SHOCKING Power of Solar and Wind. Energy needs provided for, for free. Why wars for oil?


If that area on picture, size of Austria, was covered in solar thermal power plants, it would produce enough electricity to meet WORLD demand ... hard to believe, but that's what exactly it is.

Smaller red square area covered with soalr power plants would satisfy electricity needs of Europe, the smallest one would cover Germany's energy demand...

Grand brainwashi­ng of oil coal atom military war standing industries­. Trying to kill off to them disruptive element new technologies.

!! Every 40 minutes, enough solar energy hits the USA to cover its energy needs for 1 year !!,32068,33575328001_1916895,00.html

!! In 6 hours, deserts receive more solar energy than humankind consumes in 1 year !!

!! Windpower Could Provide 40 Times Earth's Power Needs !!


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