Saturday, July 30, 2011

Science 911Truth firefighters debate degenerates into brains talk and advice slinging


im tellinyu you iz demolition .. iz inside job ... ...

>>>> I understand what the scientific facts are, I believe in facts and science, therefore I do understand that 911 WTC attacks are controlled demolition, therefore inside false flag operation pretext for wars.

OK Petr, I thought (foolishly...optimistically...naively....yeah I know guys you were laughing at me the whole time) that perhaps we could have a discussion and maybe, just maybe you would recognize the futility of your position. For every site you have listed, from your own little "investigate911blog" to all of the others, there are twice as many sites which explain (much more accurately and succinctly, using proper scientific method and input from actual experts in the related fields) how the events of 9/11 occurred and how every conspiracy claim is false. Just for kicks, why not take a look at just one:

I thought I saw a glimmer of hope when you acknowledged another explanation for your "iron spherules". However that washed away when I read your blog.

Anyway, take care and keep an open mind, ...... "but don't keep your mind so open that your brains fall out" (quoting Michael Shermer, Skeptic Magazine)

Mr Valley,

so they were laughing at you for having a discussion with opposing views? wow. how about that ......

why cant we have a discussion if you wanted it? you do have a written permission from DHS and TSA, right ??

you say i should "recognise the futility of my position" ?? see this is not about me, or about futility .. this is about 911 attacks, and about factuality, truth, about factual correctness ..

So this your post, is it an invitiation to debate? so in that case, are you going to address points i make when its my turn?

i know what government says 911 attacks are, and i know what debunking sites or nist say. i think its all deliberate propaganda lie and coverup of a big crime of 911 false flag inside operation. Per irrefutable scientific evidence, you see ...

* iron spherules .. i have full confidence in 911 truth experts investigating them, and stating they are proof that explosives melted iron during controlled demolition collapse.

Yourself too, Sir, have a good time :] ... i am open minded, yes, and im well aware that debris falling out of budding american fascism could crush one's hopes for truth, for meaningful debate with firefightin guys! .. they laugh so much, right .. its almost asinine ...

my brains would not "fall out" if i kept my mind too opened .. theyd levitate around, buoyed by the strenghs of my knowledge, my wisdom and my understanding ...

see ya then around the net :]

and i want you to do one thing, if you would .... type up a post like this


" I am a proud American, Im not in fear of anything or anybody in this world, much less the Truth, and I will state this freely.

911 attacks are controlled demolition inside false flag operation." Per irrefutability of evidence.

would you now please print it out, spit on it, and stick it on the forehead of your captain commander ?? ..... and you know why? ...

maybe his brains will lit up ! .. with the fire, with the beauty, with relieve and release of The Truth come out itself !! ..

should his brains fall out, then you'l take up his position. ... shiits why wouldnt you

here is my big 911Truth blog:

and another great one ,

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