Monday, July 18, 2011

Our Letter To FBI And SEC Gets Results From DOJ, Congress And Media | War Is A Crime .org

On Monday, July 11th, our attorney Kevin Zeese sent a letter to the FBI and SEC requesting parallel criminal and civil investigations against Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp (owner of Fox News) for apparent violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), which prohibits US companies from bribing foreign officials. In short, evidence has emerged indicating employees of News Corp bribed police and other officials in the UK to obtain information for use in hacking into voice mail, medical records and bank accounts of politicians, celebrities, murder victims and British soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

FBI confirmed that it had opened an investigation into News Corp, and indeed on Friday, Attorney General Eric Holder confirmed that federal law enforcement agencies were investigating the matter.

Well guys now how about to request an investigation into 911 controlled demolition attacks?
thatd be cool

Posted via email from WorldNewsRecord

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