Sunday, July 31, 2011

Lies, corruption, distortion. Congress has 8 % approval, and we're democratic? 911 Mother of all deceptions.


More like, we live in a corrupt two-party dictatorship controlled by the crime syndicate in Tel Aviv and the central bankers of the Fed (12 private banks).

“Our” media is controlled by six Zionists corporations, of which Rupert Murdoch is the most odious, that promote propaganda 24-7.

Murdoch's troubles are just starting, as these private corporations pushed the mother of all deceptions — 911.

The cover-up started 15 minutes after the attacks, with these “networks” proclaiming bin Laden and al-Qaida the culprits.

What these criminal entities don't control are the facts.

For example, WTC 7's free-fall into its own footprint in 6.7 seconds on September 11, 2001.

Or the nano-thermite found in the WTC dust.

Former Sen. Mike Gravel is spearheading a 911 Citizens Commission
( ) to bypass the corruption in D.C. and “go at it” at the state level. Namely, in Oregon, Alaska and Massachusetts.

This last Decade of Deception has brought America to its knees; the most important issues in restoring the Republic are 911 Truth and ending the private FED.

Ben Newell


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