Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Bowel cancer risk doubles in a generation. Red or processed meat is a problem.

increased longevity was not the only reason behind the rise.

She said: "More and more people are overweight or obese than they were in the past. We know that most people are not getting the recommended level of physical activity. And we know that lots of people exceed the recommended limits of alcohol consumption."

Bulging waistlines, heavier drinking and a drop in the amounts of exercise people take are thought to be important reasons for the rise.

However, the fact that people now live longer than they did is also a major factor, as bowel cancer tends to be a disease of old age.

We now tend to eat a little less less red or processed meat and a little more fruit and vegetables.

World Cancer Research Fund announced that no one should eat processed meat ever because of its incontrovertible link to colon cancer. Second, President Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron made sausage the centerpiece of their photo-op during the president's trip to the United Kingdom. The World Cancer Research Fund's new report, the most comprehensive ever conducted on colon cancer, confirmed that both red and processed meats play a significant role in the development of colorectal cancer. The authors found that 45 percent of all colorectal cancer cases could be prevented if we ate less meat and more fruits and vegetables and made other lifestyle changes. You can't begrudge heads of state a bit of choreographed symbolism (pour the Guinness now, please). But when obesity, heart disease, cancer and other food-related conditions are epidemics costing hundreds of billions of dollars and a great many lives, the.

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