Wednesday, July 27, 2011

9/11Truth Controlled Demolition Scientific Evidence Discussion debunk


well Mr Dave, the irrefutable scientific evidence is ALL OVER THE INTERNET. Have you been where? Searching for it? Reading it? Evaluating it?

Well let me repeat the main lines of irrefutable scientific evidence, leaving aside the common sense notion that if you saw the video, it looks exactly like a controlled demolition, and that is mainly because it is a controlled demolition. Thinking anything else means assailing a common sense.

the official investigation is demonstrably and intentionally false or nonexistent.

ok. and add to each line - NOT possible other than controlled demolition of 3 steel skyscrapers.

1. Sudden onset ...
2. Symmetric uniform collapse ...
3. Midair pulverization ...
4. Free fall speed ...
5. Fall into its footprint, through the path of greatest resistance ...
6. Victims cremated ...
7. Pyroclastic fine dust ...
8. Melted iron on the floor of WTC site, burning for months ....
9. Nanothermite explosive found in dust of WTC ...
10. Iron spherules found in dust of WTC ...

Some resources to cite:

>>>>>really? Where's your scientific evidence? I'm an engineer and the "official" investigation was correct.

>>>>>911 is controlled demolition therefore inside false flag operation. Per irrefutable scientific evidence, per common sense.

Sudden onset, symmetric free fall speed collapse midair pulverization.

Bodies cremated?? Buildings evaporated? Or they just walked away?

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