Tuesday, July 26, 2011

More PROOF Israel Behind FALSE FLAG/INSIDE JOB of 9/11. Who knew what? And when?

9/11 was a FASLE FLAG/INSIDE JOB involving Israel; and traitors in the WH, parts of the CIA, FBI and the Pentagon.

It was designed to make Americans scream for Muslim blood, so we'd do Israel's dirty work, killing off their Muslim neighbors.

At the same time, those 'Too Big to Fail' Jewish run Wall Street banks used the 9/11 scare to rob Americans of TRILLIONS of DOLLARS of wealth.

WTFU America, before it's too late.

Indeed ...a good question might be, who knew what, and when .....911Truth Controlled demolition is an exceedingly complex and serious issues.

Sooner or later, there will be school of thought as to : ok, it is make it and let it happen inside flase flag operation, but
1. it just cant be said or talked about
2. maybe its ok, especially now that it happened.

It all will transforms into political questions, political game - is a false flag operation good, adviceable, legal, necessary?? Especially one on American soil involving American civilian casualties?

Is the goal of 911 false flag good or worthy - to have a good pretext for wars to finish conquest of Iraq and start other invasions?

The position on 911Truth harshly categorizes all citizens of the world to several groups: ignorant, uneducated, criminal, fascist.

There is not anything not ugly about 911WTC Controlled Demolition attack on America.

A true attack on a nation, and on a world.

Again, what were perpetrators thinking? That this will not be uncovered? That it cant be even mentioned nomatter what it is?

That Americans are wholly brainwashed and owned, the way enthusiastic fanatic throngs welcomed Hitler before the start of wwii, with brains hermetically closed to any information not regarding "stars" or "crime", possibly ?

A polygraph questionning and investigation might shed some light on these questions.

Just, it might.


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