Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Norway Christian Religious Killer Was On Watch List For Suspicious Chemical Purchases

country is trying to work out how the attack could have been prevented.

Norwegian authorities reportedly had Breivik on a "watch list" since March, after he purchased a large amount of chemicals from a Polish online store

The Daily Mail reports that Breivik's name was among 60 passed onto the Police Security Service (PST) by Norwegian Customs.

However, the PST didn't investigate further as Breivik could have been using the chemicals on his farm.
EU has decided to speed up legislation that would seek to restrict the sale of dangerous chemicals,

As the shock of the attack has given way to anger, Norway's response to the attack has come under scrutiny. It took almost an hour for a SWAT team to reach the island -- so long that local campers began rescuing victims themselves (Reuters reports that one camper is thought to have rescued 50 people).

Police have defended their response time, blaming a shortage of suitable boats and helicopters.

of course interdiction is good. but it also is a little bit TOO LATE.

FIRST, and education, upbringing, so that these situations CANNOT HAPPEN at all.

Also, PREVENT the EXISTENCE of fascist violent war mayhem killer videogames, being sold as "entertainment", but really serving to currupt the world population, desensitize to violence and crime, realize profits on it.


Lead by example!!

WHY is Christian Nato bombing Libya? Mass killing in Iraq invasion occupation? 1.5 civilians dead. Afghanistan occupation? and more to come ??

I tell you why - because it can.

There is no more Soviet Union assuring Nato destruction if it commits war crimes, in a mutual destruction arrangement, so beneficial to world peace.

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