Friday, July 29, 2011

911 Truth Controlled Demolition Science Debate continues


points were made that Hindus cremate their dead on banks or river Gangus, therefore bodies could have been cremated into disappearence by events of 911 attacks


that iron spherules were created by cutting action after the collpase or even during construction.
I did not have clear answer off hand for that.

Mr Valley, Il be replying to you in your text with >>>>> at left

Sir, your assertions are unfortunately mostly incorrect:.
>>>>> my assertions are scientific facts, made by science experts. They may not be politically or war propaganda correct, however thay are factually correct.

1. It was NOT sudden; the collapse of WTC1 and 2 were preceeded by the impact of widebodied jet aircraft that caused significant structural damage and ignited massives fires on multiple floors resulting in the weakening and eventual failure of the steel supports causing a progressive collapse.
>>>> it WAS sudden. from 0 to total collapse in about 11 sec, close to free fall speed, about 11 floors per second disappeared.

Building WTC 7 WAS NOT hit by any airplanes, yet it collapsed straight down, in its footprints, in 6.5 sec free fall uniform sudden onset.

If there was any weakening of a structure, we would see ununiform topple over of buildings, and not through path of greatest resistence - strainght donw, but sideways, and irregularly.

What we see is that thousands of bolts failed uniformely, in concert, as if "on command" ... indeed.

2. It was not symmetric, however it was progressive.
>>>> it WAS symmetric, regular, ALL 3 buildings, on one day, collapsed straight down into their footprints ..... progressive? what d oyou mean? probalby the speed of free call, correct? or, close to free fall ...

3. Yes, there was pulverization of components of the structure, as would be expected in this type of collapse.
>>>>> yes, pyroclastic cloud. impossible other than with explosives. type of collapse is master controlled demoliton.

4. What source are you using for this statement? What measuring tools were used? What benchmarks were used to determine the speed?
>>>>> sources, again, all science experts patriots : .. ...list at , and . another list at www.911UnitedWeInvestigate.blgospot.commeasuring tools? a stopwatch. benchmarks? seconds from the begining of fall.

5. The buildings DID NOT fall into their own footprint, as is evidenced by the destruction of and significant damage to, numerous other buildings in the WTC complex and beyond (ex. WTC 3, 4, 5, 6 etc... see the link for a full list
>>>> NO. buildings DID fall into their footprints. otherwise you'd see irregular topple over of intact buildings - that in case no explosives were used.
The damage to side buildings is from debris ejected from controlled demoliotion charges being exploded.

6. What is your source? What is your definition of "cremated"? If Hindus can cremate bodies on open wood fires beside the Ganges, why would it be impossible or unusual for bodies to have been similarly burned in the fires of WTC1 and 2?

This medical expert says temperature of fires must be higher than office or kerosene fires. Temperatures must be sustained.

As seen from western crematoriums chambers. I believe it is quite hard to entirely burn a human body.

7. This was a building collapse, not a volcano; "pyroclastic" is an incorrect term for the dust clouds, they would be more accurately described as turbidity flows I believe.
>>>> pyroclastic because of its fine structure and a flow movement

8. What is your source? Was the material definitively identified as "melted iron"? There were certainly fires smouldering for many weeks in the pile, as would be expected. I have personally witnessed a large pile of brush from a field clearing operation burn and smoulder for 2 solid weeks through various types of weather.
>>>> source:
yes, iron spherules, you can see it on pictures.
you can see pictures of nanothermite high military explosive

What was smouledring for 3 months was a molten metal, red hot after 3 months. What would be the explanation other than high tech military incendiary explosive were presnt and used?

How would office fires or kerosene flare melt a metal??

9. What is your source? No report that I have seen indicated "explosives" were found. The chemical components of thermite were likely present as naturally occurring components of the structure and contents of the WTC buildings. Besides, thermite would have been a ridiculously inefficent tool to use for a controlled demo due to the quantity required and slow speed of reaction.
>>>> source: for one,,
specifially info on explosives found ....

The material used is not naturally occuring, but new high tech secret nanothermite. Unexplodded it was found in the dust of WTC.
Can you somehow explain, or obfuscate that?

10. Iron spherules? Which means what? They easily could have been present from the welding and cutting operations that took place as the WTC was being constructed. They were certainly produced by the cutting operations during the rescue and recovery operations after the collapse.
>>>> iron spherules means that temperature were reach od melting iron, and that is NOT possible with office or kerosene fires.

them being from cutting operations? good point, im sure its addressed somewhere in the research.

Petr, why do your feel inclined to believe in a conspiracy in this instance? Have you read the articles you are commenting on? Do you realize that the vast majority of rational people would consider many of your statements to be highly implausible? Have you heard of Occams razor?

>>>> I understand what the scientific facts are, I believe in facts and science, therefore I do understand that 911 WTC attacks are controlled demolition, therefore inside false flag operation pretext for wars.

I have read the article we are commenting on.

Vast majority of rational people need to look at what rational, scientific facts and evidence are ... They are, in this case, worked over by clever propaganda media.

No, I have not heard of Occams razor ...
Il take a look. What is it, some movie? .., with a lot stars in it ??

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