Saturday, July 30, 2011

Japan radiation leak 3-11-11 gov lies and coverup: more danger than we were told. Jap gov killing its own people.


nothing new: government coverup: "Japanese authorities this week released information that paints a "more worrisome picture" of the ongoing nuclear crisis than the central government has previously admitted"

Agriculture Ministry announced that at least 2,900 cattle ate rice straw contaminated with radioactive isotopes above legal limits, leaving thousands of consumers across Japan wondering whether they have ingested cancer-causing particles

authorities posted online maps showing the fallout of radioactive cesium and iodine from a “nuclear cloud” that floated over the greater Tokyo area, home to more than 40 million people, on March 15, 2011

The newly released information presents "a more troubling scenario" than originally described in March and April by government officials, who "tended to downplay or withhold bad news" to "calm a public" enduring food shortages and hundreds of aftershocks

Many longtime foreign residents are discussing among friends and on chat sites whether it is safe to remain in Japan.

“It’s time for sensible foreigners living in Japan to consider moving elsewhere,” said a commentator identified as “Chamade” on the chat site of Japan Today in Tokyo.
“This is only going to get worse, and we can bet there will be numerous other produce - fruit and vegetables - as well as seafoods and meats, that will be dangerous to consume. And announced after the fact.”

video titled “Japanese government killing its own people in Fukushima” has attracted more than 100,000 hits since it was posted on YouTube

NISA posted 600 online maps showing how radiation spread in the first week after explosions began at reactors March 12,2011. The data are based on a system known as SPEEDI that measured the amount of radiation in the air every hour from 9 a.m. March 12 to midnight March 17.

state broadcaster NHK showed a simulation of a “nuclear cloud” on March 15 2011 blowing south from Fukushima and dropping cesium on the greater Tokyo area and even beyond the Mount Fuji volcano in Shizuoka province.

Japan’s central government at that time denied the existence of such a cloud, and Tokyo’s governor asked people to go back to work as normal, despite a mass exodus of foreigners that week after warnings from the U.S., French, German and other governments.

High levels of cesium also have been found in samples of milk, tea and seafood, as well as spinach, bamboo shoots and many other vegetables.

was earthquake caused by new weapon haarp? it is possible to set earthquakes remotely, but we dont know if that was done.
no evidence, some allegations on websites

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