Sunday, July 31, 2011

Bullshit: perfect academic word for US debt, economic, war policies. Bullshitting psychopaths: US leadership.

bullshit” as saying whatever necessary to dictate an audience’s interpretation of a subject. Bullshit is comprised of lies of omission and commission, of course, but shifts as needed to maintain the desired dictatorship

The American public struggles with political and US corporate media bullshit to discern fact from spin.

Leading US leadership areas of bullshitting the American public:

Congressional reports disclose that all “reasons” for war with Afghanistan and Iraq were known to be lies as they were told.

Orwellian unlawful wars, including using depleted uranium weapons to damn victims with continuous misery and death.

torture, extrajudicial assassinations (including against American citizens) and indefinite detentions.

destruction of the US Constitution into a form of government closest to fascism and nowhere near a constitutional republic.

literally throwing Americans onto the streets rather than take any of a dozen acts to allow them to stay in their homes.

intentional unemployment, crime, infrastructure decay, fear, anger, depression (both economic and psychological) rather than create money for full employment.

allowing 45,000 Americans to die every year from lack of health care, even though universal single-payer saves the nation $100-$300 billion every year.

The good news is that every step "leadership" takes down their path of deceit and destruction, they become easier to see for what they are.

We will win with critical mass of public recognition of what’s right in front of everyone to see

Millions will live or die, billions will have a life worth living or misery, and trillions of dollars of power are directed at our collective choice.

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