Friday, July 15, 2011

Libya in Pictures: What the Mainstream War Propaganda Media Does Not Tell You


Mirage fighters, F16 fighters, B-2 Stealth bombers, 15,000 NATO air sorties. the bombing of thousands of civilan targets...

NATO is said to be coming to the rescue of the Libyan people. That is what we are being told.

Western journalists have quite deliberately distorted what is happening inside Libya. They have upheld NATO as an instrument of peace and democratization.

They have endorsed an illegal and criminal war.

They are instruments of US-NATO propaganda.

Global Research's Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya reporting from Tripoli refutes the media consensus which uphold's NATO's humanitarian mandate.

He provides us with a review of the mass rallies directed against NATO including extensive photographic evidence.

Posted via email from WorldNewsRecord

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