Monday, July 25, 2011

Possible Israeli Connection to Oslo Attacks. How strong a case can be made?

On July 24, investigative journalist Wayne Madsen suggested a Mossad link, saying "ample evidence" of its involvement exists.

remark: Lets start with the fact that Oklahoma 4/19/95 is 95% proven inside operation.

Madsen connected Breivik to Pam Geller and Richard Pipes, "ciphers for Israeli intelligence and propaganda elements....provid(ing) a clear link between Breivik and Mossad,

"According to witness accounts from Norwegian media, people have described shooting incidents in two different areas on the island, one with a handgun and the other with a 'sniper rifle.'
However, there is uncertainty whether the guns belonged to one gunman or there was a second involved."

In the confusion, no one was sure, but the possibility is real, given the implausibility that one person killed over 90 people singlehanded. Perhaps there were multiple undetected gunmen. Police said they don't exclude the possibility.

Earlier in July 2011, Norway's Dagbladet newspaper quoted Labour Party-affiliated Workers Youth League (AUF) leader Eskil Pedersen saying:

The "time has come for more drastic measures against Israel, and (he) wants the Foreign Minister to impose an economic boycott against the country," adding:

"The peace process goes nowhere, and though the whole world expects Israel to comply, they do not. We in the Labour Youth will have a unilateral economic embargo of Israel from the Norwegian side."

Norway's 450 billion euro oil-riches fund has excluded two Israeli firms involved in developing settlements, as well as a Malaysian forestry firm, on ethical grounds,

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