Sunday, July 31, 2011

Bullshit: perfect academic word for US debt, economic, war policies. Bullshitting psychopaths: US leadership.

bullshit” as saying whatever necessary to dictate an audience’s interpretation of a subject. Bullshit is comprised of lies of omission and commission, of course, but shifts as needed to maintain the desired dictatorship

The American public struggles with political and US corporate media bullshit to discern fact from spin.

Leading US leadership areas of bullshitting the American public:

Congressional reports disclose that all “reasons” for war with Afghanistan and Iraq were known to be lies as they were told.

Orwellian unlawful wars, including using depleted uranium weapons to damn victims with continuous misery and death.

torture, extrajudicial assassinations (including against American citizens) and indefinite detentions.

destruction of the US Constitution into a form of government closest to fascism and nowhere near a constitutional republic.

literally throwing Americans onto the streets rather than take any of a dozen acts to allow them to stay in their homes.

intentional unemployment, crime, infrastructure decay, fear, anger, depression (both economic and psychological) rather than create money for full employment.

allowing 45,000 Americans to die every year from lack of health care, even though universal single-payer saves the nation $100-$300 billion every year.

The good news is that every step "leadership" takes down their path of deceit and destruction, they become easier to see for what they are.

We will win with critical mass of public recognition of what’s right in front of everyone to see

Millions will live or die, billions will have a life worth living or misery, and trillions of dollars of power are directed at our collective choice.

Continue reading on Bullshit: the perfect academic word for US debt, economic, war policies - National Nonpartisan |

Shift gears on Toyota's bike with your mind alone. Mind reading, brain to robot/machine directly.

helmet is stuffed with neurotransmitters that allow riders to shift gears "without using a single one of their appendages," according to the bike's webpage. Think "gear shift," and that command is sent to an iPhone app, which in turn controls the bike and makes it obey your wishes.

its quite amazing how readable, distinguishable a thought, an idea electromagnetic waves signature in brain is.

Lies, corruption, distortion. Congress has 8 % approval, and we're democratic? 911 Mother of all deceptions.


More like, we live in a corrupt two-party dictatorship controlled by the crime syndicate in Tel Aviv and the central bankers of the Fed (12 private banks).

“Our” media is controlled by six Zionists corporations, of which Rupert Murdoch is the most odious, that promote propaganda 24-7.

Murdoch's troubles are just starting, as these private corporations pushed the mother of all deceptions — 911.

The cover-up started 15 minutes after the attacks, with these “networks” proclaiming bin Laden and al-Qaida the culprits.

What these criminal entities don't control are the facts.

For example, WTC 7's free-fall into its own footprint in 6.7 seconds on September 11, 2001.

Or the nano-thermite found in the WTC dust.

Former Sen. Mike Gravel is spearheading a 911 Citizens Commission
( ) to bypass the corruption in D.C. and “go at it” at the state level. Namely, in Oregon, Alaska and Massachusetts.

This last Decade of Deception has brought America to its knees; the most important issues in restoring the Republic are 911 Truth and ending the private FED.

Ben Newell

bravo 911 Evidence points to urgent need for citizens grand jury investigation. Sen Mike Gravel.


an urgent need for a new grand jury investigation.

we need polygraph questioning of top reps as soon as possible

911Truth National Truth Commission.

Palusible scenarios, questions
1. Mr Bush(+ etc), are you aware that 911 is controlled demolition?
2. If so, when have you learned, and what was your reaction?
If not, here is a brochure, and come in the afternoon, see point 1. above
3. If so, exactly what part of 911 controlled demolition attacks you were aware of, exactly when, and by who you were told?

America, please realize you are not free until the next President comes from The 911Truth Movement.

No official elected functions for anybody involved in a cover up, knowingly or not.

Making Robots Human: Anthrophomorphic Robots That Act, Look Like Us (PHOTOS)

In five or ten years robots will routinely be functioning in human environments

The age of smart robots is coming.. The age of hybrids is coming. .. The age of invisibility and immortality is coming around the corner ...

Such a prospect leads to a cascade of questions. How much everyday human function do we want to outsource to machines?

Last year a New Jersey company introduced a talking, touch-sensitive robot "companion," raising the possibility of another kind of human disconnect.

Poor Unemployed Homeless Americans catching eating ducks, pigeons, squirells in park to feed themselves.

The disheveled — and possibly homeless — tribe in question uses “makeshift” fishing poles and traps to catch the critters, then grills them over the fire

There is no work for poor unemployed people in America.

The military war budget is $ 1 trillion a year.

Homelessness is serious violation of human rights and human decency.

Will ruling mafia elites take a notice?

911Truth People making T-shirts. Include 3 towers bars as in 9///, please:).


911 Wtc attacks controlled demolition evidence.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

On abortion. NO to forced pregnancy. We all are pro life. We all are anti war.

Boadie MacLeod likes your comment: "Jesus! .. the darkness of religious..."
59 minutes ago

In case of forcible rape, it should be perhaps mandatory /woman can override/ that womans body gets cleaned, cleansed of criminals dna genetic information, so that she can have children later on .. You know, women are not slaves of males, violent or religious males, or of males stupidity. .... Would we ever want to continue criminal line of dna?

NO to forced pregnancy!
There is short period of time, when two cells connected by foolish mishap or error, can be disconnected, only to be reconnected later on.

The Mother Woman can make this decision, since she as Life Giver is the Gods Emissary. ..

For agnostics such as myself, woman can decide about her pregnancy.

now even though people evolved from animal kingdom, they are no more just one of them.
Humans acquired special traits distinguishing them from the rest of living creatures on earth. They know what is right and wrong, they have morals, conscience. ......

well so this physical act of two cells connecting to procreate, ought to, and must be, accompanied by a conscientious, free and responsible decision of both parent attesting their will to procreate. ... merely physical act is not enough for humans ...

so i said, "Life begins when mother wants it to begin."

Engineers fly the world's first 'printed' electric remote uav aircraft at 100 mph.


unmanned air vehicle (UAV) whose entire structure has been printed, including wings, integral control surfaces and access hatches.

The electric powered vehicle aircraft, with a 2-metres wingspan, has a top speed of nearly 100 miles per hour, but when in cruise mode is almost silent. The aircraft is also equipped with a miniature autopilot developed by Dr Matt Bennett, one of the members of the team.

Micro Air Vehicle: Three Gram 'Dragonfly' Takes Flight (July 23, 2008) — Engineers have made a new tiny DelFly Micro air vehicle. This successor to the DelFly I and II weighs barely 3 grams, and with its flapping wings is very similar to a dragonfly. Ultra-small, ... > read more

Japan radiation leak 3-11-11 gov lies and coverup: more danger than we were told. Jap gov killing its own people.


nothing new: government coverup: "Japanese authorities this week released information that paints a "more worrisome picture" of the ongoing nuclear crisis than the central government has previously admitted"

Agriculture Ministry announced that at least 2,900 cattle ate rice straw contaminated with radioactive isotopes above legal limits, leaving thousands of consumers across Japan wondering whether they have ingested cancer-causing particles

authorities posted online maps showing the fallout of radioactive cesium and iodine from a “nuclear cloud” that floated over the greater Tokyo area, home to more than 40 million people, on March 15, 2011

The newly released information presents "a more troubling scenario" than originally described in March and April by government officials, who "tended to downplay or withhold bad news" to "calm a public" enduring food shortages and hundreds of aftershocks

Many longtime foreign residents are discussing among friends and on chat sites whether it is safe to remain in Japan.

“It’s time for sensible foreigners living in Japan to consider moving elsewhere,” said a commentator identified as “Chamade” on the chat site of Japan Today in Tokyo.
“This is only going to get worse, and we can bet there will be numerous other produce - fruit and vegetables - as well as seafoods and meats, that will be dangerous to consume. And announced after the fact.”

video titled “Japanese government killing its own people in Fukushima” has attracted more than 100,000 hits since it was posted on YouTube

NISA posted 600 online maps showing how radiation spread in the first week after explosions began at reactors March 12,2011. The data are based on a system known as SPEEDI that measured the amount of radiation in the air every hour from 9 a.m. March 12 to midnight March 17.

state broadcaster NHK showed a simulation of a “nuclear cloud” on March 15 2011 blowing south from Fukushima and dropping cesium on the greater Tokyo area and even beyond the Mount Fuji volcano in Shizuoka province.

Japan’s central government at that time denied the existence of such a cloud, and Tokyo’s governor asked people to go back to work as normal, despite a mass exodus of foreigners that week after warnings from the U.S., French, German and other governments.

High levels of cesium also have been found in samples of milk, tea and seafood, as well as spinach, bamboo shoots and many other vegetables.

was earthquake caused by new weapon haarp? it is possible to set earthquakes remotely, but we dont know if that was done.
no evidence, some allegations on websites

Science 911Truth firefighters debate degenerates into brains talk and advice slinging


im tellinyu you iz demolition .. iz inside job ... ...

>>>> I understand what the scientific facts are, I believe in facts and science, therefore I do understand that 911 WTC attacks are controlled demolition, therefore inside false flag operation pretext for wars.

OK Petr, I thought (foolishly...optimistically...naively....yeah I know guys you were laughing at me the whole time) that perhaps we could have a discussion and maybe, just maybe you would recognize the futility of your position. For every site you have listed, from your own little "investigate911blog" to all of the others, there are twice as many sites which explain (much more accurately and succinctly, using proper scientific method and input from actual experts in the related fields) how the events of 9/11 occurred and how every conspiracy claim is false. Just for kicks, why not take a look at just one:

I thought I saw a glimmer of hope when you acknowledged another explanation for your "iron spherules". However that washed away when I read your blog.

Anyway, take care and keep an open mind, ...... "but don't keep your mind so open that your brains fall out" (quoting Michael Shermer, Skeptic Magazine)

Mr Valley,

so they were laughing at you for having a discussion with opposing views? wow. how about that ......

why cant we have a discussion if you wanted it? you do have a written permission from DHS and TSA, right ??

you say i should "recognise the futility of my position" ?? see this is not about me, or about futility .. this is about 911 attacks, and about factuality, truth, about factual correctness ..

So this your post, is it an invitiation to debate? so in that case, are you going to address points i make when its my turn?

i know what government says 911 attacks are, and i know what debunking sites or nist say. i think its all deliberate propaganda lie and coverup of a big crime of 911 false flag inside operation. Per irrefutable scientific evidence, you see ...

* iron spherules .. i have full confidence in 911 truth experts investigating them, and stating they are proof that explosives melted iron during controlled demolition collapse.

Yourself too, Sir, have a good time :] ... i am open minded, yes, and im well aware that debris falling out of budding american fascism could crush one's hopes for truth, for meaningful debate with firefightin guys! .. they laugh so much, right .. its almost asinine ...

my brains would not "fall out" if i kept my mind too opened .. theyd levitate around, buoyed by the strenghs of my knowledge, my wisdom and my understanding ...

see ya then around the net :]

and i want you to do one thing, if you would .... type up a post like this


" I am a proud American, Im not in fear of anything or anybody in this world, much less the Truth, and I will state this freely.

911 attacks are controlled demolition inside false flag operation." Per irrefutability of evidence.

would you now please print it out, spit on it, and stick it on the forehead of your captain commander ?? ..... and you know why? ...

maybe his brains will lit up ! .. with the fire, with the beauty, with relieve and release of The Truth come out itself !! ..

should his brains fall out, then you'l take up his position. ... shiits why wouldnt you

here is my big 911Truth blog:

and another great one ,

Friday, July 29, 2011

One big global corporations oil wars fraud on America.

First, elites, global corporations bankrupted US, looted budgets, stopped paying taxes.

Now they shriek debt ceiling and push that as pretext to further looting, destroying social contract, people and industry of America.


US Congress split over debt issue -

What wars will elite mafia pick up to wage now?

What enemy to create?
Communism? Arab countries? Tertorism? America itself?

Electromagnetic Energy Linked to Miscarriage Risk

A variety of sources can produce EMFs, including power lines, computer monitors, microwave ovens and photocopying machines.

Common household sources of EMFs include microwave ovens, electric can openers, vacuum cleaners, hair dryers, electric fans, washing machines and dishwashers.

Fluorescent desk lamps, electric office equipment and electrically powered public transit systems also may emit EMFs.

Free Energy An Absolute Imperative For The Future Of The Earth And Humanity. Energy Revolution Now.

The global controllers’ suppression of making available any practical device has been 100% airtight, in spite of numerous attempts to break through.

Covert assassinations, threats, thefts, draconian laws prohibiting the patenting of such devices and lack of funding have all thwarted development.

This war perpetrated by elite corporations and the U.S. and other rich oligarchies against humanity and nature has only escalated over the past few years.

The unfolding of these crimes provides a stark contrast to how things could be in a better world.

We need nothing less than profound systemic change in our political, economic and social systems in order to have clean energy, and that must happen sooner than is comfortable for most of us.

But our discomfort and disease coming from an imperiled biosphere would be far worse.

We need a revolution, a peaceful transformation.

Its centerpiece should be a clean energy solution revolution that could restore sustainability and sensibility to the world.

remark: Ok, but a concept of vacuum zero point energy is rather radical. Cold fusion sounds more familiar.

We shall see that the pervasive use of carbon trading, biofuels, alternative hydrocarbons such as the tar sands of Alberta and oil shale of Utah, carbon sequestration at coal mines, the hydrogen economy, nuclear power, hybrid cars, air cars—even solar and wind--can only distract us from what we really need to do in the long run.

We shall see that these “solutions” are just smoke and mirrors in the well-publicized energy sideshow.

As journalist George Monbiot put it, the first way to keep from environmental and climate disaster would be to keep carbon (and uranium) in the ground. But then what?

My journalist-colleague Keith Lampe has well expressed a scenario for our future energy choices.

He suggests that existing “renewable” technologies such as solar and wind be implemented as first-generation energy, while we develop forthwith second-generation energy such as zero-point, cold fusion and advanced hydrogen technologies.

Both options, he feels, need equal time, whether it’s in Congressional hearings or in public discourse.

Looked at in this light, we can evolve an energy policy that makes sense, and could give us a much better chance to reverse climate change before it’s too late.

other resource, wind and solar:

The SHOCKING Power of Solar and Wind. Energy needs provided for, for free. Why wars for oil?


If that area on picture, size of Austria, was covered in solar thermal power plants, it would produce enough electricity to meet WORLD demand ... hard to believe, but that's what exactly it is.

Smaller red square area covered with soalr power plants would satisfy electricity needs of Europe, the smallest one would cover Germany's energy demand...

Grand brainwashi­ng of oil coal atom military war standing industries­. Trying to kill off to them disruptive element new technologies.

!! Every 40 minutes, enough solar energy hits the USA to cover its energy needs for 1 year !!,32068,33575328001_1916895,00.html

!! In 6 hours, deserts receive more solar energy than humankind consumes in 1 year !!

!! Windpower Could Provide 40 Times Earth's Power Needs !!


911 Truth Controlled Demolition Science Debate continues


points were made that Hindus cremate their dead on banks or river Gangus, therefore bodies could have been cremated into disappearence by events of 911 attacks


that iron spherules were created by cutting action after the collpase or even during construction.
I did not have clear answer off hand for that.

Mr Valley, Il be replying to you in your text with >>>>> at left

Sir, your assertions are unfortunately mostly incorrect:.
>>>>> my assertions are scientific facts, made by science experts. They may not be politically or war propaganda correct, however thay are factually correct.

1. It was NOT sudden; the collapse of WTC1 and 2 were preceeded by the impact of widebodied jet aircraft that caused significant structural damage and ignited massives fires on multiple floors resulting in the weakening and eventual failure of the steel supports causing a progressive collapse.
>>>> it WAS sudden. from 0 to total collapse in about 11 sec, close to free fall speed, about 11 floors per second disappeared.

Building WTC 7 WAS NOT hit by any airplanes, yet it collapsed straight down, in its footprints, in 6.5 sec free fall uniform sudden onset.

If there was any weakening of a structure, we would see ununiform topple over of buildings, and not through path of greatest resistence - strainght donw, but sideways, and irregularly.

What we see is that thousands of bolts failed uniformely, in concert, as if "on command" ... indeed.

2. It was not symmetric, however it was progressive.
>>>> it WAS symmetric, regular, ALL 3 buildings, on one day, collapsed straight down into their footprints ..... progressive? what d oyou mean? probalby the speed of free call, correct? or, close to free fall ...

3. Yes, there was pulverization of components of the structure, as would be expected in this type of collapse.
>>>>> yes, pyroclastic cloud. impossible other than with explosives. type of collapse is master controlled demoliton.

4. What source are you using for this statement? What measuring tools were used? What benchmarks were used to determine the speed?
>>>>> sources, again, all science experts patriots : .. ...list at , and . another list at www.911UnitedWeInvestigate.blgospot.commeasuring tools? a stopwatch. benchmarks? seconds from the begining of fall.

5. The buildings DID NOT fall into their own footprint, as is evidenced by the destruction of and significant damage to, numerous other buildings in the WTC complex and beyond (ex. WTC 3, 4, 5, 6 etc... see the link for a full list
>>>> NO. buildings DID fall into their footprints. otherwise you'd see irregular topple over of intact buildings - that in case no explosives were used.
The damage to side buildings is from debris ejected from controlled demoliotion charges being exploded.

6. What is your source? What is your definition of "cremated"? If Hindus can cremate bodies on open wood fires beside the Ganges, why would it be impossible or unusual for bodies to have been similarly burned in the fires of WTC1 and 2?

This medical expert says temperature of fires must be higher than office or kerosene fires. Temperatures must be sustained.

As seen from western crematoriums chambers. I believe it is quite hard to entirely burn a human body.

7. This was a building collapse, not a volcano; "pyroclastic" is an incorrect term for the dust clouds, they would be more accurately described as turbidity flows I believe.
>>>> pyroclastic because of its fine structure and a flow movement

8. What is your source? Was the material definitively identified as "melted iron"? There were certainly fires smouldering for many weeks in the pile, as would be expected. I have personally witnessed a large pile of brush from a field clearing operation burn and smoulder for 2 solid weeks through various types of weather.
>>>> source:
yes, iron spherules, you can see it on pictures.
you can see pictures of nanothermite high military explosive

What was smouledring for 3 months was a molten metal, red hot after 3 months. What would be the explanation other than high tech military incendiary explosive were presnt and used?

How would office fires or kerosene flare melt a metal??

9. What is your source? No report that I have seen indicated "explosives" were found. The chemical components of thermite were likely present as naturally occurring components of the structure and contents of the WTC buildings. Besides, thermite would have been a ridiculously inefficent tool to use for a controlled demo due to the quantity required and slow speed of reaction.
>>>> source: for one,,
specifially info on explosives found ....

The material used is not naturally occuring, but new high tech secret nanothermite. Unexplodded it was found in the dust of WTC.
Can you somehow explain, or obfuscate that?

10. Iron spherules? Which means what? They easily could have been present from the welding and cutting operations that took place as the WTC was being constructed. They were certainly produced by the cutting operations during the rescue and recovery operations after the collapse.
>>>> iron spherules means that temperature were reach od melting iron, and that is NOT possible with office or kerosene fires.

them being from cutting operations? good point, im sure its addressed somewhere in the research.

Petr, why do your feel inclined to believe in a conspiracy in this instance? Have you read the articles you are commenting on? Do you realize that the vast majority of rational people would consider many of your statements to be highly implausible? Have you heard of Occams razor?

>>>> I understand what the scientific facts are, I believe in facts and science, therefore I do understand that 911 WTC attacks are controlled demolition, therefore inside false flag operation pretext for wars.

I have read the article we are commenting on.

Vast majority of rational people need to look at what rational, scientific facts and evidence are ... They are, in this case, worked over by clever propaganda media.

No, I have not heard of Occams razor ...
Il take a look. What is it, some movie? .., with a lot stars in it ??

Daily NATO War Crimes in Libya. Bombing colonial terrorist assault war.

Since NATO began bombing on March 19, daily attacks inflicted lawless collective punishment against millions in Gaddafi supported areas. Affected is their ability to obtain food, medicines, fuel and other basic supplies, exposing another lie about humanitarian intervention.

Among war crimes is is waging war on truth, Western managed news calling lawless imperial wars a liberating ones.

Constant bombing destroying the infrastructure of the country, similar to attack on Iraq and Afghanistan.

Criminal NATO, in fact, calls civilian targets legitimate ones, including one or more hospitals, a clinic, factories, warehouses, agricultural sites, schools, a university, one or more mosques, non-military related infrastructure, a food storage facility, and others.

Notably on July 23,2011 a Brega water pipe factory was struck, killing six guards.

It produces pipes for Libya's $30 billion Great Man-Made River system (GMMR), an ocean-sized aquifer beneath its sands, making the desert bloom for productive agriculture, and supplying water to Libya's people.

As a result of criminal western assault, civilian casualties in Libya mount, up to 1,200 or more killed and thousands wounded in pro-Gaddafi areas, many seriously as war rages.

In addition, unknown numbers of combatant casualties on both sides aren't known, nor is the civilian toll in rebel held areas.

information on numbers and types of bombs, as well as other munitions aren't given. Instead, misinformation claims a humanitarian mission protects civilians - by terrorizing, killing, and injuring them, solely for imperial aims. It's why all US-led wars are fought, never for liberating reasons

Libyan oil experts warned that fuel stocks could run out in two weeks." Public transportation costs have tripled. Food prices have also soared. Tripoli residents experience electricity cuts, and clean water supplies are endangered.

Before conflict erupted, Libyans had the region's highest standard of living and highest life expectancy in Africa because Gaddafi's oil wealth provided healthcare, education, housing assistance and other social benefits.

Imperial war, of course, changed things. Libyans now hang on to survive.

Only Russia now can stop fascist terrorist colonial world assault. If it wanted.
But why?
Or does it want to participate in new recolonization of world? Until maybe it realizes that it itself too is becoming a target of war assault occupation efforts.

Thursday, July 28, 2011 Summary evidence. Video, posts. Great blog. 911 controlled demolition, Kennedys, ML King


Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe
The Physics of Collapse

Wake up America. Or are you fuqtards demented ??

R. Gage, interview: 9/11 thermite evidence haunts US liars. 911 controlled demolition.

Press TV talks with Richard Gage, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth who, backed by 1,500 architects and engineers, claims that NIST the official investigating committee has hidden much of the evidence and ignored first hand testimonials concerning building 7 in a deliberate action to support the official story by the US government.

The implosion and fall of building WTC 7 on September 11, 2001, the third building, not hit by an airplane and the presence of molten metal and thermite particles only made in military labs.

911 controlled demolition therefore inside false flag operation

US veterans plan virtual protest via Facebook, virtual march against republican cuts in benefits

Nearly 76,000 American veterans were homeless on a given night in 2009, the latest year for which reliable statistics are available.


300,000 of the U.S. military veterans coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD.


An average of 18 veterans commit suicide every day and five of those are already getting treatment at the VA. - virtual march in Washington D.C., via Facebook, is set to begin on Wednesday 7-27-11, organized by veterans who are up-in-arms about possible compensation and benefits cuts.

please join and support.

911 is controlled demolition inside false flag operation

the unemployment rate among post 9/11 veterans was 15.2 percent in January 2011 and well above the 9.6 percent rate for non-veterans.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Poor people grow older faster - stress, less quality in food, less knowledge about food

telomeres shortened by an average of 7.7% in people whose household income was below £25,000. For those on higher incomes, the shortening averaged 0.6%.

so, eat fruits and vegetables, regularly.
do not smoke.

Bowel cancer risk doubles in a generation. Red or processed meat is a problem.

increased longevity was not the only reason behind the rise.

She said: "More and more people are overweight or obese than they were in the past. We know that most people are not getting the recommended level of physical activity. And we know that lots of people exceed the recommended limits of alcohol consumption."

Bulging waistlines, heavier drinking and a drop in the amounts of exercise people take are thought to be important reasons for the rise.

However, the fact that people now live longer than they did is also a major factor, as bowel cancer tends to be a disease of old age.

We now tend to eat a little less less red or processed meat and a little more fruit and vegetables.

World Cancer Research Fund announced that no one should eat processed meat ever because of its incontrovertible link to colon cancer. Second, President Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron made sausage the centerpiece of their photo-op during the president's trip to the United Kingdom. The World Cancer Research Fund's new report, the most comprehensive ever conducted on colon cancer, confirmed that both red and processed meats play a significant role in the development of colorectal cancer. The authors found that 45 percent of all colorectal cancer cases could be prevented if we ate less meat and more fruits and vegetables and made other lifestyle changes. You can't begrudge heads of state a bit of choreographed symbolism (pour the Guinness now, please). But when obesity, heart disease, cancer and other food-related conditions are epidemics costing hundreds of billions of dollars and a great many lives, the.

Bowel cancer risk doubles in a generation. Red or processed meat is a problem.

increased longevity was not the only reason behind the rise.

She said: "More and more people are overweight or obese than they were in the past. We know that most people are not getting the recommended level of physical activity. And we know that lots of people exceed the recommended limits of alcohol consumption."

Bulging waistlines, heavier drinking and a drop in the amounts of exercise people take are thought to be important reasons for the rise.

However, the fact that people now live longer than they did is also a major factor, as bowel cancer tends to be a disease of old age.

We now tend to eat a little less less red or processed meat and a little more fruit and vegetables.

World Cancer Research Fund announced that no one should eat processed meat ever because of its incontrovertible link to colon cancer. Second, President Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron made sausage the centerpiece of their photo-op during the president's trip to the United Kingdom. The World Cancer Research Fund's new report, the most comprehensive ever conducted on colon cancer, confirmed that both red and processed meats play a significant role in the development of colorectal cancer. The authors found that 45 percent of all colorectal cancer cases could be prevented if we ate less meat and more fruits and vegetables and made other lifestyle changes. You can't begrudge heads of state a bit of choreographed symbolism (pour the Guinness now, please). But when obesity, heart disease, cancer and other food-related conditions are epidemics costing hundreds of billions of dollars and a great many lives, the.

WikiLeaks documents shed light on US bombing colonial aggression intervention war in Libya

Far from initiating a “humanitarian” intervention to protect civilians against Muammar Gaddafi’s government, Washington backed the NATO intervention for one reason only—the installation of a regime that better serves the strategic interests of the US, as well as the operations of the giant oil and gas companies.

Libya doesn't want to steal oil from its people and give t to western corporations. So, bomb them.

The oil giants and the US government were alarmed by threats Gaddafi made, in a January 2009 video-conference to Georgetown University students, to nationalise the oil and gas industry.

Reasons for war, invasion and killing of president Quaddafi: oil

Gaddafi’s policy forced oil and gas corporations to renegotiate their contracts under the latest iteration of Libya’s Exploration and Productions Sharing Agreement (EPSA IV).

Between 2007 and 2008, major companies such as ExxonMobil, Petro-Canada, Repsol (Spain), Total (France), ENI (Italy), and Occidental (US) were compelled to sign new deals with the NOC—on significantly less favourable terms than they had previously enjoyed—and were collectively made to pay $5.4 billion in upfront “bonus” payments.

August 2009, US Senator John McCain led a high-profile bipartisan congressional delegation to meet with Gaddafi.

McCain characterised the “overall pace of the bilateral relationship as excellent”. Senator Joe Lieberman said “we never would have guessed ten years ago that we would be sitting in Tripoli, being welcomed by a son of Muammar al-Qadhafi,” before calling Libya an “important ally in the war on terrorism.”

major “sedimentary basins with oil and gas resources had been discovered in Libya,” with seismic data indicating “much more remained to be discovered across the country.”

The scramble by dozens of international oil and gas companies to cash in on the lifting of sanctions, however, soon produced two major problems for the US government.

Firstly, in the words of a November 2007 cable, “Libyan resource nationalism”—policies designed to increase the Libyan government’s “control over and share of revenue from hydrocarbon resources.”

The cable ominously concludes that the US should demonstrate “the clear downsides” to the Libyan regime of such an approach.

second unwelcome consequence of the lifting of sanctions was that it enabled Libya to develop closer relations with US rivals, notably in Europe, China and Russia. A June 2008 cable describes a “recent surge of interest in Libya on the part of non-Western IOCs (particularly from India, Japan, Russia and China), who have won the bulk of concessions in the NOC’s recent acreage bid rounds.”

March 2009 cable describes how Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi witnessed the ratification of the Italy-Libya “friendship and cooperation” treaty, under which Italy was to pay $200 million per year for 25 years as compensation for “colonial wrong-doing,” in exchange for guaranteeing “Italian companies preference for development projects.”
An Italian official told the US embassy that the order of Italy’s interests in Libya was “oil, oil, oil, and migration.”

A May 2009 cable reports that Gaddafi told the Commander of US African Command General William Ward that “China would prevail” in Africa “because it does not interfere in internal affairs.”

WikiLeaks cables further demonstrate that the Obama administration’s bid to topple the Libyan government and its recognition of the unelected “rebel” regime in Benghazi have nothing whatever to do with “humanitarian” concerns.

Norway Christian Religious Killer Was On Watch List For Suspicious Chemical Purchases

country is trying to work out how the attack could have been prevented.

Norwegian authorities reportedly had Breivik on a "watch list" since March, after he purchased a large amount of chemicals from a Polish online store

The Daily Mail reports that Breivik's name was among 60 passed onto the Police Security Service (PST) by Norwegian Customs.

However, the PST didn't investigate further as Breivik could have been using the chemicals on his farm.
EU has decided to speed up legislation that would seek to restrict the sale of dangerous chemicals,

As the shock of the attack has given way to anger, Norway's response to the attack has come under scrutiny. It took almost an hour for a SWAT team to reach the island -- so long that local campers began rescuing victims themselves (Reuters reports that one camper is thought to have rescued 50 people).

Police have defended their response time, blaming a shortage of suitable boats and helicopters.

of course interdiction is good. but it also is a little bit TOO LATE.

FIRST, and education, upbringing, so that these situations CANNOT HAPPEN at all.

Also, PREVENT the EXISTENCE of fascist violent war mayhem killer videogames, being sold as "entertainment", but really serving to currupt the world population, desensitize to violence and crime, realize profits on it.


Lead by example!!

WHY is Christian Nato bombing Libya? Mass killing in Iraq invasion occupation? 1.5 civilians dead. Afghanistan occupation? and more to come ??

I tell you why - because it can.

There is no more Soviet Union assuring Nato destruction if it commits war crimes, in a mutual destruction arrangement, so beneficial to world peace.

9/11Truth Controlled Demolition Scientific Evidence Discussion debunk


well Mr Dave, the irrefutable scientific evidence is ALL OVER THE INTERNET. Have you been where? Searching for it? Reading it? Evaluating it?

Well let me repeat the main lines of irrefutable scientific evidence, leaving aside the common sense notion that if you saw the video, it looks exactly like a controlled demolition, and that is mainly because it is a controlled demolition. Thinking anything else means assailing a common sense.

the official investigation is demonstrably and intentionally false or nonexistent.

ok. and add to each line - NOT possible other than controlled demolition of 3 steel skyscrapers.

1. Sudden onset ...
2. Symmetric uniform collapse ...
3. Midair pulverization ...
4. Free fall speed ...
5. Fall into its footprint, through the path of greatest resistance ...
6. Victims cremated ...
7. Pyroclastic fine dust ...
8. Melted iron on the floor of WTC site, burning for months ....
9. Nanothermite explosive found in dust of WTC ...
10. Iron spherules found in dust of WTC ...

Some resources to cite:

>>>>>really? Where's your scientific evidence? I'm an engineer and the "official" investigation was correct.

>>>>>911 is controlled demolition therefore inside false flag operation. Per irrefutable scientific evidence, per common sense.

Sudden onset, symmetric free fall speed collapse midair pulverization.

Bodies cremated?? Buildings evaporated? Or they just walked away?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Motorist stranded after driving off 400ft cliff


A passing jogger who went to her rescue also became trapped and a major rescue operation was launched by coastguards and firefighters.

More PROOF Israel Behind FALSE FLAG/INSIDE JOB of 9/11. Who knew what? And when?

9/11 was a FASLE FLAG/INSIDE JOB involving Israel; and traitors in the WH, parts of the CIA, FBI and the Pentagon.

It was designed to make Americans scream for Muslim blood, so we'd do Israel's dirty work, killing off their Muslim neighbors.

At the same time, those 'Too Big to Fail' Jewish run Wall Street banks used the 9/11 scare to rob Americans of TRILLIONS of DOLLARS of wealth.

WTFU America, before it's too late.

Indeed ...a good question might be, who knew what, and when .....911Truth Controlled demolition is an exceedingly complex and serious issues.

Sooner or later, there will be school of thought as to : ok, it is make it and let it happen inside flase flag operation, but
1. it just cant be said or talked about
2. maybe its ok, especially now that it happened.

It all will transforms into political questions, political game - is a false flag operation good, adviceable, legal, necessary?? Especially one on American soil involving American civilian casualties?

Is the goal of 911 false flag good or worthy - to have a good pretext for wars to finish conquest of Iraq and start other invasions?

The position on 911Truth harshly categorizes all citizens of the world to several groups: ignorant, uneducated, criminal, fascist.

There is not anything not ugly about 911WTC Controlled Demolition attack on America.

A true attack on a nation, and on a world.

Again, what were perpetrators thinking? That this will not be uncovered? That it cant be even mentioned nomatter what it is?

That Americans are wholly brainwashed and owned, the way enthusiastic fanatic throngs welcomed Hitler before the start of wwii, with brains hermetically closed to any information not regarding "stars" or "crime", possibly ?

A polygraph questionning and investigation might shed some light on these questions.

Just, it might.

The 'Flying Car' Gets Some Competition - BiPod

Id mix it with helicopter, though.

Wealth gap widens between whites, minorities, most in 25 years. Whites 20 times richer than others.

median wealth of white U.S. households in 2009 was $113,149, compared with $6,325 for Hispanics and $5,677 for blacks,

racial and ethnic impact of the US economic meltdown, which ravaged housing values and sent unemployment soaring.

corporate profits are rising. the higher a stock market, the worse people are off.

Christian Terrorist Right Wing Religious Zealot Killer Surprised he wasn't stopped earlier.


violent videogames he played to prepare for the crime are teaching young people to be desensitized to violence, to be hooligans, and that violence is just an entertainment.

viva corporate profits, viva Nato wars.
They will bomb Libya apart sooner than you know.

Are you too brain distracted to understand the Truth ?? Then say To heck with me !! 911 Truth

9/11 controlled demolition inside job, per irrefutable scientific evidence.

911Truth controlled demolition, per irrefutable scientific evidence, per common sense. Therefore, an inside false flag operation.

Sudden onset symmetrical free fall speed collapse into own footprint midair pulverization implosion buildings disappeared.

Where did they go ?

Not possible other than controlled demolition.

Are you too afraid to speak the Truth ?? Then ask yourself, just how American am I ?? 911 Truth.

WTC Building #7, a 47-story high-rise not hit by an airplane, exhibited all the characteristics of classic controlled demolition with explosives:

1. Rapid onset of collapse

2. Sounds of explosions at ground floor – a second before the building's destruction

3. Symmetrical "structural failure" – through the path of greatest resistance – at free-fall acceleration

4. Imploded, collapsing completely, and landed in its own footprint

5. Massive volume of expanding pyroclastic-like clouds

6. Expert corroboration from the top European controlled demolition professional

7. Foreknowledge of "collapse" by media, NYPD, FDNY

In the the aftermath of WTC7's destruction, strong evidence of demolition using incendiary devices was discovered:

8. FEMA finds rapid oxidation and intergranular melting on structural steel samples

9. Several tons of molten metal reported by numerous highly qualified witnesses

10. Chemical signature of the incendiary thermite found in solidified molten metal, and dust samples

WTC7 exhibited none of the characteristics of destruction by fire:

1. Slow onset with large visible deformations

2. Asymmetrical collapse which follows the path of least resistance (laws of conservation of momentum would cause a falling, to the side most damaged by the fires)

3. Evidence of fire temperatures capable of softening steel

4. High-rise buildings with much larger, hotter, and longer lasting fires have never collapsed.


As seen in this revealing photo, the Twin Towers' destruction exhibited all of the characteristics of destruction by explosives:

  1. Destruction proceeds through the path of greatest resistance at nearly free-fall acceleration
  2. Improbable symmetry of debris distribution
  3. Extremely rapid onset of destruction
  4. Over 100 first responders reported explosions and flashes
  5. Multi-ton steel sections ejected laterally
  6. Mid-air pulverization of 90,000 tons of concrete & metal decking
  7. Massive volume of expanding pyroclastic-like clouds
  8. 1200-foot-diameter debris field: no "pancaked" floors found
  9. Isolated explosive ejections 20–40 stories below demolition front
  10. Total building destruction: dismemberment of steel frame
  11. Several tons of molten metal found under all 3 high-rises
  12. Evidence of thermite incendiaries found by FEMA in steel samples
  13. Evidence of explosives found in dust samples

And exhibited none of the characteristics of destruction by fire:

  1. Slow onset with large visible deformations
  2. Asymmetrical collapse which follows the path of least resistance (laws of conservation of momentum would cause a falling, intact, from the point of plane impact, to the side most damaged by the fires)
  3. Evidence of fire temperatures capable of softening steel
  4. High-rise buildings with much larger, hotter, and longer-lasting fires have never collapsed.



Dr. Pieczenik: Breivik Christian Terrorist Real! NOT A FALSE FLAG. 911 IS controlled demolition false flag


Alex Jones talks about the attack with author, publisher, and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under three different administrations, Steve Pieczenik.

Dr. Pieczenik told Alex Jones earlier this year 2011 that a top US general had revealed to him that 9/11 was an inside job and he would testify in court to that fact.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Operation Gladio, state-sponsored right-wing terrorist network, false flag operations, subversion of democracy.

confirmed precedent of the US and western governments participating in ruthless terrorist attacks against their own people in order instill fear, control the population, and frame left-wing political opponents.

Operation Gladio is undisputed historical fact.

The existence of Gladio was confirmed and admitted by the Italian government in 1990, after a judge, Felice Casson, discovered the network in the course of his investigations into right-wing terrorism.

Italian prime minister Giulio Andreotti admitted Gladio’s existence but tried to minimize its significance.

The main function of the Gladio-style groups, in the absence of Soviet invasion, seems to have been to discredit left-wing groups and politicians through the use of “the strategy of tension,” including false-flag terrorism.

Religious Right Wing Christian Terrorist Breivik extensive links to English Defence League

he began his deadly “crusade” after being recruited to a secret society in London, and that he was guided by an English “mentor”. David Cameron

Christian terrorist killed almost 100 innocent people, US army killed 1.5 million civilians in Iraq during the last colonial crusade.

Debt Crisis ‘Manufactured by House Republicans’ attempting to advance their extremist agenda

This should be a simple vote to allow the US Treasury to fund all of the programs and obligations of the entire federal government that are already in the law,

Rep. Lee has called for Congress to increase the debt limit with no strings attached like spending cuts.

“Enough is enough,” she said.

“We should immediately pass a clean bill to raise the debt ceiling so that we can work on the real crisis in this country – the jobs crisis.”

Shame of right wing religious Christians, Norway killer tells judge "two more cells" exist. Police boat took water, overloaded.


like a video game, walk around and shoot people. Religious hatred: aimed to save Europe from a Muslim takeover

ordered killer Breivik detained in solitary confinement for eight weeks, with no letters, newspapers or visits, except from a lawyer

killer Breivik accused the ruling Labour Party of betraying Norway with "mass imports of Muslims

Norwegians held a minute's silence for Breivik's victims.

"In remembrance of the victims ... I declare one minute's national silence," Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said on the steps of Oslo University, flanked by Norway's king and queen.

The silence stretched to five minutes as thousands more stood around a carpet of flowers outside nearby Oslo cathedral. Only squawking seagulls and a barking dog broke the silence.

Cars stopped in the streets and their drivers got out and stood motionless as traffic lights changed from red to green.

The maximum jail term in Norway is 21 years, although that can be extended if there is a risk of repeat offences. "In theory he can be in jail for the rest of his life,"

Breivik drove a hire car packed with the results to the center of Oslo on Friday, triggering the device outside government offices, killing seven and shattering thousands of windows.

it took police a full hour to get a team of elite forces to the island after one boat, overloaded with officers and equipment, was forced to stop when it began to take on water.

Key advance in single molecule electronics

common electronic circuits in computers, smart phones, audio players, and other devices may shrink to the size of a grain of sand. The breakthrough is a method for creating and attaching the tiny wires that will connect molecular components,

key to single-molecule electronics is connecting functional molecules to each other using conductive nanowires.

This involves two issues: how to create conductive nanowires at designated positions, and how to ensure chemical bonding between the nanowires and functional molecules

chemical soldering.
The wiring method can be used to connect molecular switches, memory bits, and transistors.
The scientists say their technique "will enable us to develop cheaper, higher-performance, and more ecological alternatives to conventional silicon-based devices

Hunt for Britons linked to Norway killer Anders Behring Breivik

hunt under way after it emerged that he began his deadly “crusade” after meeting other Right-wing extremists in London

What is this crazed idea of right religious extremist of shooting people on sight? Its straight from violent fascist war videogames being spread throughout the world to poison the young people especially, to make insensitive people and violent hooligans out of them, to make profits on them.

Before he carried out Norway’s worst terrorist atrocity, Breivik typed out a chilling 1,500-page description of his plans, written entirely in English and datelined “London, 2011”.

described his “mentor” as an Englishman he identified as Richard.

The 32 year-old religious fanatic boasted that he was just one of up to 80 “solo martyr cells” recruited throughout Western Europe who were ready to follow his example of trying to overthrow governments tolerant of Islam.

Scotland Yard’s domestic extremism unit is trying to identify the seven other people who attended the inaugural meeting of the “European Military Order and Criminal Tribunal” of the “Knights Templar” in London in April 2002.

MI5 is not currently involved in tracking down religious Right-wing extremists but sources admitted the attacks could force a change of tactics.

One of the largest arms caches found in recent years in England was in the possession of a Right-wing terrorist in Yorkshire two years ago.

Breivik even harboured ambitions of acquiring a nuclear weapon to hold Western governments to ransom and discussed the merits of using biological and chemical weapons to kill up to two million people.

now should an immigration be properly limited? yes it should be. vote for it in elections.

911 is controlled demolition inside alse flag operation. Irrefutable scientific evidence.
So is London attacks 7/7/5 and Oklahoma attack 4/19/95

A wise man blog: Steve J Lendman, On Norway attacks.


interview with Russian tv channel giving space to wide range of information and views, not only official corporate crime war propaganda

Who showed, gave idea to this radical ultraright religious christian of such violence?? Fascist war videogames.

The incident could also fuel debate about access to high-power weapons in a country where hunting is widely regarded as part of Norwegians' heritage.

In documents published shortly before his rampage, Breivik said he bought his automatic rifle after telling authorities he needed it for "hunting deer." He also bought a telescopic scope and a silencer by mail order.

Abhorent, desensitizing, inhuman violent videogames being peddled, sold to young people to enjoy killing, mayhem as an entertainment by violent lawless wild capitalist society. ...

Just las month US Supreme Court ruled that sttes cannot prevent sales of this violent trash to young children.. why? Money. The profits..

Its the violent moral corruption of American and wild capitalist society.

War Occupation of Afghanistan by Christian Nato and USA will end in 2014. Soldiers will go home.

The United States has no interest in creating permanent military bases in Afghanistan and does not want to use the country as a platform to influence neighboring countries

After western invasion, the opium trade returned massively to Afghanistan again, drug mafia again making billions.

Taliban eradicated this trade completely.

Norway: Religious Orthodox UltraRight Christian: worst massacre by single person in modern times.


Violent disgusting videogames and companies standing behind them to ruin and corrupt children and people characters, just to earn a profit.

Its time to put a stop to that.

It time to start teaching and educating people a peace, friendhip, cooperation, not a war, violence, hooliganism, just as todays capitalism does.

Nato keeps bombing Libya, a terrible violent war crime.

US Companies: Forget USA! Our profits come from China. Forget unemployed people in US. Who cares.


Economic treason. Companies churn out profits but not jobs ... The sytem is whacked, out of touch with reality.

world's largest maker of air conditioners and elevators, said second-quarter profit rose 19 percent, and it is doing most of its hiring in emerging markets where demand for its products is growing fastest

Big businesses would normally be desperate for surging job growth as it would feed into domestic demand but these aren't normal times. Massive growth opportunities overseas, especially in China and other buoyant Asian economies, have some of the largest American companies on track for record profits, even if they're businesses are mostly treading water in the U.S.

Possible Israeli Connection to Oslo Attacks. How strong a case can be made?

On July 24, investigative journalist Wayne Madsen suggested a Mossad link, saying "ample evidence" of its involvement exists.

remark: Lets start with the fact that Oklahoma 4/19/95 is 95% proven inside operation.

Madsen connected Breivik to Pam Geller and Richard Pipes, "ciphers for Israeli intelligence and propaganda elements....provid(ing) a clear link between Breivik and Mossad,

"According to witness accounts from Norwegian media, people have described shooting incidents in two different areas on the island, one with a handgun and the other with a 'sniper rifle.'
However, there is uncertainty whether the guns belonged to one gunman or there was a second involved."

In the confusion, no one was sure, but the possibility is real, given the implausibility that one person killed over 90 people singlehanded. Perhaps there were multiple undetected gunmen. Police said they don't exclude the possibility.

Earlier in July 2011, Norway's Dagbladet newspaper quoted Labour Party-affiliated Workers Youth League (AUF) leader Eskil Pedersen saying:

The "time has come for more drastic measures against Israel, and (he) wants the Foreign Minister to impose an economic boycott against the country," adding:

"The peace process goes nowhere, and though the whole world expects Israel to comply, they do not. We in the Labour Youth will have a unilateral economic embargo of Israel from the Norwegian side."

Norway's 450 billion euro oil-riches fund has excluded two Israeli firms involved in developing settlements, as well as a Malaysian forestry firm, on ethical grounds,

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Evidence of suspicious activities at WTC : David Griffin, 911 controlled demolition

evidence of suspicious activities at the World Trade Center‬‏ - YouTube - 911Truth leading inspirer and researcher

ElectroMagnetic Pulse cannon stops cars in their tracks. Soon the size of handgun. EMP.

one serious electromagnetic pulse can stop any car built after the mid-'70s in an instant, because it will disable ALL semiconductor electronics.

It's a suitcase-sized electromagnetic pulse (EMP) cannon that immediately disables a car or truck from 656 feet away without hurting the driver or innocent bystanders.

Stay tuned because this gets better ....

$5 billion yacht. What is this wild capitalism world coming to?? Organi$ed thievery.


forget the poor working people. nobody is stealing from them, right .... they work and can barely feed themselves.
well get them a boat. a yacht.

born rich ?? maybe born into a criminal system.

The Threat of World War III. Prof Chossudovsky. USA: the cult of killing.

The US and its NATO allies are preparing to launch a nuclear war directed against both Iran and North Korea with devastating consequences. This military adventure in the real sense of the word threatens the future of humanity.

Throughout the history of mankind there have been murderers and tyrants; and while it may seem momentarily that they have the upper hand, they have always fallen. (Mahatma Gandhi)

The United States has discarded pretensions to international legality and decency, and embarked on a course of raw imperialism run amok. (William Rockler, Nuremberg Tribunal prosecutor)

"The Israeli government is preparing to use nuclear weapons in its next war with the Islamic world

The global killing machine is also sustained by an imbedded cult of killing and destruction which pervades Hollywood movies, not to mention the primetime war and crime TV series on network television.

This cult of killing is endorsed by the CIA and the Pentagon which also support (finance) Hollywood productions as an instrument of war propaganda.

America’s mininukes, with an explosive capacity of up to six times a Hiroshima bomb, are upheld as a humanitarian bomb, whereas Iran’s nonexistent nuclear weapons are branded as an indisputable threat to global security.

Norway attacks: Fear christian religious right member killer is part of wider terror group. Account: what happened.

Breivik acted alone, police said this morning, after some witness accounts said a second gunman had taken part in a mass shooting. The internet document, posted online just hours before the attack, shows his rampage had been planned for at least two year.

his manifesto says " he was part of a small group that intended to “seize political and military control of Western European countries and implement a cultural conservative political agenda".

The explosion caused carnage at the heart of the Norwegian government. Seven people died in the blast and many dozens more were wounded, several of them suffering life-threatening injuries that required emergency treatment at hospitals in the city.

At the scene of the blast on Saturday, the carnage was evident. Windows were blown out in buildings as far as five blocks away while in the immediate vicinity of Grubbegata Street, which runs alongside the Ministry of petroleum and Energy and the Prime Minister's office, there was utter devastation.

Police sources suggested the bomb was left in a brown delivery van parked on Grubbegata Street, just a few yards from the energy ministry. The van acted as shrapnel sending pieces of metal flying through the air, causing terror on a catastrophic scale.

Breivik is thought to have parked the van outside the oil ministry and walked away. The bomb was likely detonated by a timer device rather than by a more sophisticated remote signal.

as much as three tons went into making the bomb.

Norway bombing: Oslo struggles to make sense of the carnage 23 Jul 2011
Norway attacks: inside the mind of a killer 23 Jul 2011
Police fear Norway suspect was part of larger terror group 23 Jul 2011
Norway: The Queen expresses shock at killings 23 Jul 2011
Suspect Norwegian gunman arrested and charged 23 Jul 2011
Suspect beckoned campers before shooting them dead 23 Jul 2011

Iceland “ready to support Palestinian independence”. Iceland Foreign Minister visits Gaza.

Icelandic government is enthusiastic to support Palestinian independence, should the proposed motion be put before the United Nations this autumn.

Ossur Skarphedinsson, Icelandic Minister for Foreign Affairs, and his entourage had their trip to Gaza interrupted yesterday when Israeli soldiers obstructed the path of their cars with large rocks.

The Icelandic FM’s visit to Palestine has now drawn to a close with one of the biggest headlines being Skarphedinsson’s declaration that Iceland would support any UN resolution on Palestinian independence and UN membership.

Read more:

Finland Facebook party of 2000-3000 turns violent. Intoxication, rapes, assaults. Botellon.

Turku, southern Finland

Police report that many of the partygoers became extremely intoxicated as the night progressed, with both officers and medical teams finding it difficult to move around the park because of the crowds.

A large bonfire was lit at one point and there were reports to vehicles being damaged, physical assaults and at least one rape.

Finns are known to be heavy drinkers.

Embryos with mixed genes of animals and humans produced secretively in UK for past 3 years

committee of scientists warned of a nightmare ‘Planet of the Apes’ scenario in which work on human-animal creations goes too far.

variety of hybrids created, including an animal egg fertilised by a human sperm; ‘cybrids’, in which a human nucleus is implanted into an animal cell; and ‘chimeras’, in which human cells are mixed with animal embryos.

155 ‘admixed’ embryos, containing both human and animal genetic material, have been created since the introduction of the 2008 Human Fertilisation Embryology Act

Three labs in the UK – at King’s College London, Newcastle University and Warwick University

scientists were not concerned about human-animal hybrid embryos because by law these have to be destroyed within 14 days.

‘At every stage the justification from scientists has been: if only you allow us to do this, we will find cures for every illness known to mankind

Call for new rules to prevent lab animals being given human attributes, for example by injecting human stem cells into the brains of primates.

Human-animal hybrids are also created in other countries, many of which have little or no regulation

THIRTY embryos created for every baby born by IVF... and thousands are thrown away

Beware 'Planet of the Apes' experiments that could create sci-fi nightmare

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Powerful new sonars of US Navy shattering inner ears, causing inner bleeding into brain, thus loss of orientation, death.

44 pilot whales stranded in an estuary back to sea, but 25 other whales from the pod did not survive the incident and died

bombing Baghdad, bombing Iraq into last century, bombing Kabul, bombing Afghanistan, bombing Tripoli, bombing Libya, bombing Belgrade, bombing Yugoslavia ... bombing New York ... it's a new world fascism colonialism ..... it'l end up bad

Western attack on Libya: NATO Warplanes Bomb Libyan Capital Tripoli

TRIPOLI, July 23 (Reuters) - NATO warplanes bombed targets in the Libyan capital early on Saturday, causing damage and casualties, Libyan state television said, without giving details.

A Reuters witness said there were at least six blasts, adding they were the largest to the hit the capital in several weeks.

Four explosions rocked the hotel where international media were based and two more were heard slightly further off.

NATO has been engaged in a air campaign as part of a United Nations mandate to protect civilians targeted by forces loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.

Rebels have been fighting to overthrow Gaddafi since February, but their military progress has become bogged down, and there have been renewed calls among the international community for a negotiated settlement to the conflict.


against the law. colonial crimes of aggression.

Anders Behring Breivik Identified As Suspect In Norway Shooting. Religious christian right.


until forces of 911 controlled demolition are revealed and disabled, we are in for an unstable times of war and deception.

Electromagnetic Pulse EMP, High Powered Microwave HPM weapons in official propaganda media. End of world as we know it if used.

Portions of a National Ground Intelligence Center study on the lethal effects of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and high-powered microwave (HPM) weapons revealed that the arms are part of China’s so-called “assassin’s mace” arsenal - weapons that allow a technologically inferior China to defeat U.S. military forces.

EMP weapons mimic the gamma-ray pulse caused by a nuclear blast that knocks out all electronics, including computers and automobiles, over wide areas. The phenomenon was discovered in 1962 after an aboveground nuclear test in the Pacific disabled electronics in Hawaii.

Incredible effects of EMP

"For use against Taiwan, China could detonate at a much lower altitude (30 to 40 kilometers) … to confine the EMP effects to Taiwan and its immediate vicinity and minimize damage to electronics on the mainland."

The very intense magnetic pulse will disable ANY and ALL electronic devices in range, effectively setting that territory about 200 years back.
Nothing works, cars, computers, industry, hospitals, NOTHING.

The report said that in addition to EMP weapons, “any low-yield strategic nuclear warhead (or tactical nuclear warheads) could be used with similar effects.”

It is a known fact that exploding a nuclear weapon in ionosphere, where there is close to vacuum, and where there are charge particles floating = ions, such an explosion will create a powerful flow of these ions, in other words, very powerful electric current.

This powerful current then generates, is accompanied, by a very strong magnetic field, and this magnetic pulse MP will spread to territory bellow, and take out all modern semiconductor base electrical devices.

Practically EVERYTHING, tvs, computers, cars, machinery, power stations, hospitals, weapons, utilities .. nothing works anymore ....

This is what the world is facing right now.

So one smaller nuclear charge being missile or rocket lifted and detonated above in ionosphere will take a territory bellow, for example, much of USA, back 200 years ..... green meadows, horses, water wells.
No electricity, no nothing.

I will bring further information on EMP HPM weapons in the near future.

Haarp works with the same principle, intense energy pulse generating intense magnetic fields.

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