Friday, September 30, 2011

Watch Live #OccupyChicago #OccupyLA - Protests Spread #OccupyTogether #OccupyAmerica #OccupyWallStreet

Watch Live #OccupyChicago #OccupyLA – Who Will Be Next? #OccupyTogether #OccupyAmerica

  Posted by - September 27, 2011 at 11:15 pm - Permalink - Source via Alexander Higgins Blog
Watch Live #OccupyChicago #OccupyLA – Who Will Be Next? #OccupyTogether #OccupyAmerica
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Watch Live Video Streams of the Occupy Wall Street Protests which have spread to several cities nationwide, with encampments now set up and gaining inertia in Chicago and Los Angeles.

Earlier Russia today reported on the protests spreading to Chicago, LA and nationwide.

Here are the live video streams.

Occupy Wall Street

OccupyLA Live :

OccupyChicago Live :

To organize and plan protests across the nation the site has been set up.

A mini documentary published on the Occupy Chicago website.

Occupy Chicago
Want to know what to do if you can’t make it to Chicago? Get the word out. Tell friends, family, anyone who will listen that we will no longer stand the greed of corporations. Let your state rep know that this policy of the pursuit of the almighty profit over people will no longer be tolerated. Write your state rep.

Here is an earlier video from Occupy Chicago.

Occupy Chicago Protests Protests in Chicago have set up near the federal reserve building in Chicago and have been there for at least two days now.

The site has been set up for the Chicago protests with updates being tracked on twitter using the #OccupyChicago hash tag, with the Twitter account @OccupyChicago set up to send out the latest updates

The Chicago protests appear to be less organized than the NYC and LA protests. Namely, the protestors haven’t decided were to camp out and on site electricity need to keep electronics powered longer than the life of their batteries.

Once those two goals are accomplished we should see a live stream out of Chicago. Regardless, protestors say the Chicago crowd continues to grow.


The cops told us we were fine as long as we left half the sidewalk for pedestrians. They just blocked half. Less space

The cops told us we were fine as long as we left half the sidewalk for pedestrians. They just blocked half. Less space

We Stand For The People, Stand With Us

We Stand For The People, Stand With Us

People joining us from the street.

People joining us from the street.

Marching in the rain.

Marching in the rain.


Marching down Jackson ave to Michigan Ave.

Marching down Jackson ave to Michigan Ave.

Crowd gets bigger and bigger every single day. General assembly now.

Crowd gets bigger and bigger every single day. General assembly now.

Protestors At Occupy Chicago

Protestors At Occupy Chicago


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