Friday, September 16, 2011

The Wall Street Pentagon Papers: Biggest Scam In World History Exposed. Fed Crimes Too Big To Understand?


emergency lending programs” that doled out $12.3 TRILLION in taxpayer money – $3.3 trillion in liquidity, $9 trillion in “other financial arrangements

the usual suspects like Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Citigroup, Bank of America, etc.; it was to the entire Global Banking Cartel

All their Ponzi players were “gifted.”

United States is now the world’s preeminent banana republic

Any fairytale notions that we are living in a nation built on the rule of law and of the global economy being based on free market principles has now been exposed as just that, a fairytale.

H.E.L.L.O. Our country is run by an unelected Global Banking Cartel

We have learned that the $700 billion Wall Street bailout… turned out to be pocket change compared to the trillions and trillions of dollars in near-zero interest loans and other financial arrangements the Federal Reserve doled out to every major financial institution in this country

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