Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Hitler’s Plan to Invade Switzerland. Wars eternal is a man's disease. History.
In 1815, Europe’s powers gathered in Vienna, Austria, in an attempt to draw long-standing, mutually agreed upon political borders which had blurred due to decades if not centuries of warfare.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Progressive Democrats of America. PDAmerica.org. End corporate rule. Economic and Social Justice. End Wars.
The California Senate is just 2 votes short to pass its single payer health care bill, SB 810 - the California Universal Healthcare Act, before the end of this legislative session on Tuesday Jan 31, 2012.
Four Democratic Senators have not voted either way on this bill. Its author, Senator Mark Leno, can bring the bill up for reconsideration, as long as he knows that he has two more votes!!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Creating paranoia of real crime threat, of war, of terror. To control population. CCTV surveillance cameras.
Transforming Public Surveillance CCTV Cameras
Into Highly Visible and Interactive Crime Prevention Tools
The Cordero Group
CCTV technology has been romanticized by television crime dramas as silent crime fighters. Writers submit the missing bit of critical video evidence in the 55th minute to break the case. But in the real world, CCTV cameras and a synchronized alert system can be used as a visible interactive deterrent to potential crimes.
The Cordero Group has developed a Light-Based Intervention System (LBIS). A powerful light source is mounted on an automated pan and tilt mechanism that is synchronized with CCTV camera views. LBIS features two modes of operations – intervention and prevention.
In the intervention mode, LBIS Closely Mirrors Crime Prevention Benefits of Physical Police Patrols. If suspicious or threatening activity is observed, CCTV camera operators activate area IP-based LBIS lights using a point and click absolute positioning trigger system. Instantly, a pencil beam bright illumination source "paints" would be criminals and conveys a powerfully persuasive message: "Police are observing, Police are recording, and Police Are Responding".
If a crime does occur or if live security intervention is required and/or the suspects flee, successive lights can be activated to follow the suspects while the entire incident is recorded. The systems save resources by providing a base level of visual police intervention and notice of detection, particularly when used to disrupt public nuisances and quality of life issues.
In a crime prevention mode, LBIS Alerts the Public and Would Be Criminals that area is under CCTV camera surveillance by projecting illuminated letters onto the street (e.g., "Police"). LBIS reassures the public that they are safe by projecting a visibly high level of guardianship.
LBIS creates safe passages around community streets, parks, schools, commercial corridors and other locations. Security forces also rely on LBIS to "force multiply" during large public outings such as sporting events or concerts. By projecting words such as "Police" or "Under Surveillance" safe corridors are created would be criminals are warned to stay away.
Surveillance cameras are here mostly for a population control, for a mass unrest control and containment. ... there are only very few rulers, some police, army, but a lot of oppressed and defrauded people. ...... so ...
Create a mass crime wave, an epidemic of crime, by forcing hard poverty, hopelessness, joblessness, homelessness, no medical care, by hard instilling, teaching and glorifying violence, killing, mayhem daily in tv, videogames .....
Then use this common crime epidemic created to install cameras to deal with, deter, punish public uprisings against the elite rulers world order.
And you know what is the funny and sad part of this ..... that all this is just a by product .. unintended .... for the main engine, the main motivation, is MONEY.
PROFITS, at any costs.
that's what's killing the human race, if you ask me.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Another anti-government protest in Romania. After a week of violent anti criminal capitalism government.
International Bankers demand poverty from Romanians. Most of them live already bellow sustainable capitalist poverty levels.
Thousands of Romanians, including teenage students who cut class, marched through their capital on Thursday to demand the resignation of their government for imposing harsh austerity measures in order to receive international loans for the nation's battered economy.
It was one of the largest protests in recent times in Bucharest and came after a week of sometimes violent anti-government demonstrations.
There Are 42 Million Prostitutes In The World, Where They Live. Capitalism forces women into prostitution.
Global prostitution may be a bigger industry than you think.
There are 40 to 42 million prostitutes in the world, according to a report from Fondation Scelles (via Le Figaro).
Three quarters of them are between the ages of 13 and 25, and 80% of them are female.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Russian warships dock at Syrian port. Expansion of Russian naval base in Syria. This means peace. Syria won't be bombed apart and colonized into civil war.

Damascus blames “outlaws, saboteurs and armed terrorist groups” for the unrest, insisting that it is being orchestrated from abroad.
The same mayhem attack happened to Libya - a Switzerland of Africa. Libya gave oil money to its people, not to western corporations.
So they attacked, and killed the president.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Fountain of Youth: Shot of young stem cells makes rapidly aging mice live much longer and healthier.

it might be possible one day to forestall the biological declines associated with aging by delivering a shot of youthful vigor, particularly if specific rejuvenating proteins or molecules produced by the stem cells could be identified and isolated.
probably healthy cells secrete factors to create an environment that help correct the dysfunction present in the native stem cell population and aged tissue
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Mike Ruppert: levels of criminality of American government and capitalism becomes hard to ignore.
JFK, drugs, Cia, Afghanistan