conquest wars beyond law reach
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Origin of life: Hypothesis traces first protocells back to emergence of cell membrane bioenergetics

why all life as we know it conserves energy in the peculiar form of ion gradients across membranes.
"Life is, in effect, a side-reaction of an energy-harnessing reaction.
Living organisms require vast amounts of energy to go on living," said Nick Lane.
Humans consume more than a kilogram (more than 700 litres) of oxygen every day, exhaling it as carbon dioxide.
Approaching comet may outshine the moon. November 2013. Brightest seen in many generations.

"Comet ISON…could be the brightest comet seen in many generations - brighter even than the full moon,"
"It's really rare, exciting," Novichonok wrote.
Comet ISON's path is very similar to a comet that passed by Earth in 1680, one which was so bright its tail reportedly could be seen in daylight.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Facebook Censors Prominent Political Critics. Where is this going to go?
also, for example, you cannot talk about 911truth on either. it gets immediately censored, before it is posted.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Smart talking app- Robin, Android.
I actually like Robin, worth a shot!
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Oklahoma City Bombings 4/19/95 proven inside conspiracy false flag attack.
Shared via TweetCaster
Monday, November 12, 2012
Best Smartphones Comparison - Reviews and Ratings | FindTheBest
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Global climate oscillation
Humans might cause only a very small part.
Main factor by FAR is the Sun.
Also, this complex system will adjust to any new inputs.
Also, Canada will become California.
Siberia will be Riviera.
Also, and mainly, there is a LOT of oil beneath the Earth poles.
So world rulers/owners would love to speed up warming.
But tbey hardly can.
Friday, September 21, 2012
911Truth controlled demolition
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
US warns Iran: Give up or be attacked’. US asks Russia to warn Iran about attack. Russia will decide the matter
The United States asked Russia to send Iran a message that the upcoming round of nuclear talks is its last chance to avoid a military confrontation this year, Russian newspaperKommersant reported Wednesday according to a diplomatic source.
“The invasion will happen before the year’s end,” the source told Kommersant.
>It is illegal to start a war, or threaten anybody with force.
The unusually stark warning by the US was passed on by Secretary of State Hilary Clinton to her Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov, after the two met in New York on Monday, the diplomatic source told the Russian newspaper.
Will US and Israel manage to start a world war ? A last world war.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Carcinogen chemical 4-methylimidazole, part of caramel coloring, found in colas, popular soft drinks Toxic also aspartame, bad fructose syrup.
Many popular cola drinks including Coke and Pepsi contain a caramel-coloring chemical that causes cancer in lab animals, warns a consumer advocacy group.
“Coke and Pepsi, with the acquiescence of the FDA, are needlessly exposing millions of Americans to a chemical that causes cancer,”
the chemical called 4-methylimidazole or 4-MIical 4-methylimidazole is part of the caramel coloring used in many of soda beverages
It estimated that the chemical in Coke and Pepsi products is causing about 15,000 cancers only in the US.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Spices Stops Blood Clots Better Than Drugs
Cloves, red pepper, turmeric, cinnamon, black pepper, and garlic
Friday, March 2, 2012
Arming terror gangs in Syria, Iran. US preparing plans for possible Syria attack
armed groups were receiving military equipment from both France and the US.
US Senator John McCain called on the international community in mid-February, to help provide military equipment to the armed gangs in Syria.
"There are ways to get weapons to people who are fighting against this kind of oppression, we showed that in Libya," McCain told reporters on a visit to al-Qods (Jerusalem).
Assad had on February 20 said that a number of foreign countries were fueling unrest in Syria by supporting and funding the armed terrorist groups fighting against the government.
Syria has been experiencing unrest since mid-March 2011. Damascus blames “outlaws, saboteurs, and armed terrorist groups” for the unrest, asserting that it is being orchestrated from abroad.
Scientists create ‘gun’ that disrupts speech at 100 feet. Inserting messages into brain.
Combining a directional microphone and a directional speaker, the “Speechjammer” records and quickly plays back whatever words someone is uttering, making it very difficult for the speaker to focus on what words come next. The effect is called “artificial stuttering.”
Because the directional amplifier can only be heard by the person it is pointing at, the gun’s effect is like hearing a recording of one’s own voice echoing inside one’s skull.
“sonic projector” as a means of inserting messages into brain or hiding secret communications.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
No more Nato war crimes? Russia upgrades radar station in Syria to aid Iran, will not yield Syria for terror killing. Same Iran.
Russia has taken a firm stand against any military attack on Iran or any attempt to force Syrian President Bashar Assad to step down.
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said this week that Russia is concerned about the threat of an attack against Iran.
“If it happens, the fallout would be truly catastrophic,” he said, also warning that any outside attempt to displace Mr. Assad would open Syria to “a Libyan scenario.”
Coffee drinking not linked to chronic illnesses like cancer, heart disease, stroke.
Coffee drinkers have no more risk of getting illnesses such as heart disease or cancer, and are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes, according to a German study involving more than 40,000 people over nearly a decade.
The findings, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, came in the wake of many previous studies that produced conflicting results, with some tying coffee drinking to an increase in heart disease, cancer, stroke and more.
Study: Sleeping Pills Kill, Death 4x More Likely. Also 35% higher risk of cancer. Stay away from pills. Worse than smoking tobacco.
Those who had sleep pills prescriptions were more than four times as likely to have died
What’s more, the researchers also documented a 35% increased risk of cancer among people taking sleeping pills, compared with the non-prescription group.
The risk of developing lymphoma, lung, colon or prostate cancer associated with sleeping pills was greater than the effect from smoking
Violent Abusive towards Children Wild Poverty Capitalism Culture: Ohio School Shooting 2/12: Father Guilty Of Horrific Domestic Violence
"Domestic violence" sign of disintegrating human values human rights society.
TV culture feeds the epidemic of abuse and violence.
To make money.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Fruit Juices May Put You at Risk of Arsenic Poisoning. Filter your water.

10 percent of the 88 fruit juices tested had arsenic levels that exceed the U.S. federal drinking water standard.
25 percent of the tested juices also had lead levels that are higher than the five parts per billion (ppb) limit set for bottled water.
Dr. Mercola advises having well water tested for arsenic and other contaminants using a comprehensive test kit from the National Testing Laboratories.
If you have public water, get your drinking water information from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Dr. Mercola also recommends using a high-quality water filter, so that you can be sure that you’re getting pure water.
“To be absolutely certain you are getting the purest water you can, you’ll want to filter the water both at the point of entry and at the point of use.
This means filtering all the water that comes into the house, and then filtering again at the kitchen sink.
Other ways to avoid arsenic include:
•Limit your juice consumption. Aside from arsenic, juices also contain high amounts of fructose that if taken in large quantities can cause very serious health problems.
•Buy organic, pastured chicken. Traces of arsenic have been found in factory-raised chickens because of the synthetic pesticides they ingest. Organic regulations do not allow organically-raised chickens to be fed conventional feed grown with synthetic pesticides.
•Avoid processed baby foods. These may be contaminated with potentially toxic chemicals and are loaded with sugar and trans fats. Opt for homemade baby food made from organic ingredients instead.
Evidence is mounting that sugar is primary factor causing not just obesity, but also many chronic and lethal diseases.
negative health effects of sugar consumption can no longer be ignored, any more than the health effects of tobacco and alcohol could
The Toxic Truth: Sugar Is Linked to Childhood Obesity
Friday, February 24, 2012
Wirelessly powered medical implant propels itself through the bloodstream
Developing implants capable of traveling through the bloodstream not only requires an energy source to power the device's medical functions, but also its propulsion system - something that today's batteries are unable to deliver in a form factor that is small enough to fit inside arteries.
The obvious approach would be to remove the battery from the device altogether and look to wireless electromagnetic power delivery. This is just what many scientists have been working on for fifty years.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Why Avoiding Sugar is a Good Anti-Aging Strategy

Limiting sugar in your diet is a well-known key to longevity, because of all the molecules capable of inflicting damage in your body, sugar molecules are probably the most damaging of all
Chimeras, Human-Animal Hybrids. First made in 2003. Mouse Human Brain. Rabbit eggs with human cells. Pigs with human blood. Sheep with human liver.
Talking animals. Transgenic hybrids. Remanufacturing the miracle of life.
Its all a very complex and clever program.
So are we.
Genes are instructions, expressed as bodies. Life is a program running inside our bodies.
Very imporant role played by genes expression regulators, as, for example, gene set of humans and chimpanzee is 98% tehe same, yet the result, humans, and chimpanzees, are quite different animals.
Grey Matter In Our Brains Is Increasing And You Won't Believe Why. Social Influence Choices.
People are fed up with what is happening around them. They are tired of the corruption, greed, control and manipulation of national and international governments at all levels. The breaking point in human beings may have arrived and the evidence is in the brain.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
The Secret Behind Whitney Houston’s Death. And common medical mistakes kill 780 000 a year.
783,936 people in the United States die every year from conventional medicine mistakes.
That’s the equivalent of six jumbo jet crashes a day for an entire year.
And Whitney took xanax, and drank alcohol, which made her drowsy, and she drowned in bathtub.
40 000 Americans die a year from lack of healthcare.
Monday, February 6, 2012 #ows running total of Occupy Wall Street police arrests
running total of Occupy Wall Street police arrests
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Muslims for 9/11 Truth: Big Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Qur'anic Look at the 9/11 False Flag
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Kevin,ReplyDeleteHow many Muslim countries would it be possible to get to vote for a 9/11 investigation in the U.N. General Assembly? Iran would of course vote for it, but how many other countries would? Why wouldn't Muslim countries be joined by non-Muslim countries who also fear imperialism, such as Bolivia, Venezuela, etc? Can you imagine such an investigation headed by Professor Richard Falk, who was recently severely criticized by U.N. General Secretary Ban-ki Moon for saying that there were unanswered questions about 9/11. Can you see an international panel of Nobel Prize-winning scientists analysing those dust samples with the iron microspheres and the nanothermite chips?
Unfortunately most of the Muslim countries (and other developing countries) are ruled by neo-imperial stooges and cowards...but if their people put enough pressure on them, or if there were revolutions that brought a degree of democracy, they might come on board. I would love to see this kind of investigation.ReplyDelete One thing is for sure: we need to build a broad-based movement on the state, national and international levels demanding such an investigation. Everyone who disbelieves the government account should be included, whatever their theory about what did happen. It appears to me that some people have lost sight of this fact.ReplyDelete Think the Egyptian people will be able to elect a government that will really represent them that might call for a 9/11 investigation? Or do the imperialists really control the Egyptian army so that whoever becomes president will be as much or more under their control as Mubarak was? Tarpley says it was really the imperialists, not the people, who overthrew Mubarak because he was being insufficiently cooperative concerning their plan to get Sunni Muslim countries to join with Israel against Iran.ReplyDelete I don't see how any new government in Egypt could be expected to be more cooperative with anti-Iran plans than Mubarak's was. More likely, the Zionists expect an anti-Zionist government, dominated by the Ikhwan, to emerge in Egypt--which would provide the Zionists with an excuse to start another big Mideast war.ReplyDelete Have you listened to this Tarpley broadcast from March 1? He really fills the picture in with a lot of detail.ReplyDeleteIf an anti-Zionist government dominated by the Ikhwan does emerge, it will be filled with British and American agent provacateurs who will work with Israel to engineer the war. But in the end, this isn't about Zionism. It's about oil.
But the "Day of Rage" to be instigated by these Ikhwan provacateurs predicted by Lindsey Williams and others has reportedly fizzled - so far at least. But the price of oil is still rapidly going up. His prediction was that serious unrest in Saudi Arabia, perhaps even the fall of the monarchy, would drive the price of oil up to $225 a barrel, which would totally destroy what is left of the American economy.
Have you seen this video showing that Ghadaffi is using Israeli military contractors to hire African mercenaries
to fight anti-government forces? Israel practically is a big defense contractor; this is what they do for a living and they are good at it. Ghadaffi has squirreled away plenty of oil money over the years to hire the best.The imperialists will have to take control of the situation to restore order, for humanitarian reasons, of course, but incidentally to gain control over Libya's oil.
9/11 false-flag attack was perhaps the greatest lie against God ever fabricated by human beings. It was designed to be blamed on pious Muslims,
The world war on democracy. Diego Garcia, heavy bombing vast launch pad, is crucial to this war. Mass kidnappings.

The heaviest bombing of Iraq and Afghanistan was launched from its vast airstrips
Island is a fortress housing the "bunker-busting" bombs carried by bat-shaped B-2 aircraft to targets in two continents; an attack on Iran will start here.
As if to complete the emblem of rampant, criminal power, the CIA added a Guantanamo-style prison for its "rendition" victims and called it Camp Justice.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Europe braces for Russian Gas shortage. Supplies flow at 30%. Not Emergency yet.

European Commission put its gas coordination committee on alert today, but insisted the situation had not yet reached an emergency level since coordination between nations to help each other had improved and storage facilities had been upgraded.
Commission spokeswoman Marlene Holzner said Russia was going through an extremely cold spell and needed more gas to keep its citizens warm.
Russia's gas contracts 'allow for certain flexibility in case they also need the gas. And that is the situation that Russia is facing at the moment.' The severe winter in Russia has seen temperatures drop to minus 35 C (minus 30 F).
US "labor force non-participation", the real unemployment rate, is at 36.3%.
A broad measure of unemployment, which includes workers only marginally attached to the labor force, fell to 15.1 percent, the lowest since February of 2009.
there may be 3 million long-term unemployed people who are currently not being counted as unemployed by the Labor Department because they have simply given up looking for work.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Hitler’s Plan to Invade Switzerland. Wars eternal is a man's disease. History.
In 1815, Europe’s powers gathered in Vienna, Austria, in an attempt to draw long-standing, mutually agreed upon political borders which had blurred due to decades if not centuries of warfare.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Progressive Democrats of America. End corporate rule. Economic and Social Justice. End Wars.
The California Senate is just 2 votes short to pass its single payer health care bill, SB 810 - the California Universal Healthcare Act, before the end of this legislative session on Tuesday Jan 31, 2012.
Four Democratic Senators have not voted either way on this bill. Its author, Senator Mark Leno, can bring the bill up for reconsideration, as long as he knows that he has two more votes!!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Creating paranoia of real crime threat, of war, of terror. To control population. CCTV surveillance cameras.
Transforming Public Surveillance CCTV Cameras
Into Highly Visible and Interactive Crime Prevention Tools
The Cordero Group
CCTV technology has been romanticized by television crime dramas as silent crime fighters. Writers submit the missing bit of critical video evidence in the 55th minute to break the case. But in the real world, CCTV cameras and a synchronized alert system can be used as a visible interactive deterrent to potential crimes.
The Cordero Group has developed a Light-Based Intervention System (LBIS). A powerful light source is mounted on an automated pan and tilt mechanism that is synchronized with CCTV camera views. LBIS features two modes of operations – intervention and prevention.
In the intervention mode, LBIS Closely Mirrors Crime Prevention Benefits of Physical Police Patrols. If suspicious or threatening activity is observed, CCTV camera operators activate area IP-based LBIS lights using a point and click absolute positioning trigger system. Instantly, a pencil beam bright illumination source "paints" would be criminals and conveys a powerfully persuasive message: "Police are observing, Police are recording, and Police Are Responding".
If a crime does occur or if live security intervention is required and/or the suspects flee, successive lights can be activated to follow the suspects while the entire incident is recorded. The systems save resources by providing a base level of visual police intervention and notice of detection, particularly when used to disrupt public nuisances and quality of life issues.
In a crime prevention mode, LBIS Alerts the Public and Would Be Criminals that area is under CCTV camera surveillance by projecting illuminated letters onto the street (e.g., "Police"). LBIS reassures the public that they are safe by projecting a visibly high level of guardianship.
LBIS creates safe passages around community streets, parks, schools, commercial corridors and other locations. Security forces also rely on LBIS to "force multiply" during large public outings such as sporting events or concerts. By projecting words such as "Police" or "Under Surveillance" safe corridors are created would be criminals are warned to stay away.
Surveillance cameras are here mostly for a population control, for a mass unrest control and containment. ... there are only very few rulers, some police, army, but a lot of oppressed and defrauded people. ...... so ...
Create a mass crime wave, an epidemic of crime, by forcing hard poverty, hopelessness, joblessness, homelessness, no medical care, by hard instilling, teaching and glorifying violence, killing, mayhem daily in tv, videogames .....
Then use this common crime epidemic created to install cameras to deal with, deter, punish public uprisings against the elite rulers world order.
And you know what is the funny and sad part of this ..... that all this is just a by product .. unintended .... for the main engine, the main motivation, is MONEY.
PROFITS, at any costs.
that's what's killing the human race, if you ask me.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Another anti-government protest in Romania. After a week of violent anti criminal capitalism government.
International Bankers demand poverty from Romanians. Most of them live already bellow sustainable capitalist poverty levels.
Thousands of Romanians, including teenage students who cut class, marched through their capital on Thursday to demand the resignation of their government for imposing harsh austerity measures in order to receive international loans for the nation's battered economy.
It was one of the largest protests in recent times in Bucharest and came after a week of sometimes violent anti-government demonstrations.
There Are 42 Million Prostitutes In The World, Where They Live. Capitalism forces women into prostitution.
Global prostitution may be a bigger industry than you think.
There are 40 to 42 million prostitutes in the world, according to a report from Fondation Scelles (via Le Figaro).
Three quarters of them are between the ages of 13 and 25, and 80% of them are female.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Russian warships dock at Syrian port. Expansion of Russian naval base in Syria. This means peace. Syria won't be bombed apart and colonized into civil war.

Damascus blames “outlaws, saboteurs and armed terrorist groups” for the unrest, insisting that it is being orchestrated from abroad.
The same mayhem attack happened to Libya - a Switzerland of Africa. Libya gave oil money to its people, not to western corporations.
So they attacked, and killed the president.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Fountain of Youth: Shot of young stem cells makes rapidly aging mice live much longer and healthier.

it might be possible one day to forestall the biological declines associated with aging by delivering a shot of youthful vigor, particularly if specific rejuvenating proteins or molecules produced by the stem cells could be identified and isolated.
probably healthy cells secrete factors to create an environment that help correct the dysfunction present in the native stem cell population and aged tissue
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Mike Ruppert: levels of criminality of American government and capitalism becomes hard to ignore.
JFK, drugs, Cia, Afghanistan